Home Green Design Welspun Flooring Earns First Certification Under New Zero Waste Program

Welspun Flooring Earns First Certification Under New Zero Waste Program


EMERYVILLE, CALIF.SCS Global Services (SCS), a global leader in third-party environmental and sustainability certification services, announced that Welspun Flooring Limited has become the first company to achieve certification under SCS’ new Zero Waste Standard. This new global certification standard enables companies to demonstrate the degree to which their waste streams are prevented, reused, or diverted from the landfill.

SCS’ independent certification audit, including on-site inspection, confirmed that Welspun Flooring’s Telangana, India manufacturing facility has achieved 98 percent diversion of waste from landfill through a combination of recycling, waste reclamation, co-processing (including waste-to-energy), composting and storage. The resulting certification captures the extent to which the company’s efforts to become better stewards of facility wastes have paid off. In addition, Welspun Flooring assiduously tracks the progress of its waste minimization and diversion accomplishments through internal recordkeeping, which in turn supports its goal to inform the public of its sustainable waste commitments and its ongoing commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance goals.

“We are proud to become the first company in the world to achieve certification under this zero waste program,” said Mukesh Savlani, CEO Welspun Flooring International Business. “Creating a better world through sustainability is one of our core values at Welspun. Being a relatively young player in the market and to be earning this prestigious certification stands as a testament to our commitment at Welspun Group in building a sustainable future. This is a tribute to the dedication and hard work of our facility managers and staff who have worked collectively with incredible efficiency to divert waste across the board.”

‘Another Feather to Our Hat of Sustainability’

Savlani continued, “When SCS launched its Zero Waste Certification program a few months ago, we saw it as an opportunity to certify and validate our extensive waste diversion program that has previously gone unrecognized and add another feather to our hat of sustainability. This only inspires us to redouble our efforts in the sustainability space and to make progress across our company year after year.”

“We applaud Welspun Flooring for demonstrating its commitment to minimizing its environmental footprint through third-party certification,” said Inna Kitaychik, SCS Operations Manager of Zero Waste Certification. “This new certification showcases Welspun Flooring’s commitment to prioritizing the environment and reinforces its position among the world’s leading environment-conscious organizations.”

Waste generation and disposal have long been recognized as a major environmental problem. Globally, as resource availability becomes more constrained, more efficient use of materials is increasingly important to ensure that resources continue to be available to future generations. Companies recognize the need for substantial reduction in waste generation and diversion of wastes to useable new materials and products as part of their responsibility under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12, Responsible Consumption and Production.

Learn more about SCS Zero Waste Certification at https://www.scsglobalservices.com/services/zero-waste-certification.