Our Renewable Energy All Stars include those properties that have at least one of the following: wind turbine(s), solar panels (for generating electricity or heating hot water), geothermal system for heating and cooling, or a system that generates electricity through hydropower–the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. We have created this section to not only honor those who have invested in renewable energy but to also create a kind of networking system, if you will. If you are considering renewable energy for your property, you can link to another property’s website, contact the owner or operator, and ask any question you would like about system cost, vendors used, lessons learned, etc. In addition to providing links to property sites, we have also included links, where possible, to articles that have appeared on Green Lodging News. It is our hope that by including this section, an increasing number of lodging establishment owners will choose renewable energy systems to meet part, or even all of their energy needs.
If your property is not listed on any of the following pages and it currently has a renewable energy system in use, contact Glenn Hasek, publisher and editor of Green Lodging News, at (813) 510-3868, or greenlodgingnews@gmail.com.