Home News & Features Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Announces 2013 Sustainable Meetings Conference

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Announces 2013 Sustainable Meetings Conference


CHICAGO—The Green Meeting Industry Council (GMIC) received a warm official welcome from one of North America’s most sustainable destinations when Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel formally announced that his community would host the 2013 Sustainable Meetings Conference next April.

“This is a perfect example of the City of Chicago and its tourism and convention industry working together to achieve a key goal: attracting more visitors to Chicago,” said Mayor Emanuel. “This conference is one of many that have committed to the city and will create jobs and economic opportunity for our residents.”

“We are honored to host this conference and demonstrate the increasing connections between environmental and economic benefits,” said Karen Weigert, Chicago’s chief sustainability officer. “Chicago is one of the world’s greenest cities and a global leader in the tourism and convention industry, so there is no better place to host the 2013 Sustainable Meetings Conference.”

A team from GMIC’s Chicago Chapter worked closely with the City of Chicago and the Chicago Convention and Tourism Bureau to land host city honors. “We received incredible support from the City, the State of Illinois and several organizations that represent the meeting and events industry,” said Robin Malpass, president of the Chicago Chapter. “This is an amazing opportunity to showcase the destination’s sustainable assets to a global audience and provide an outstanding educational experience for our local hospitality industry partners.”

“Chicago was chosen for its leadership in urban sustainability, its role as an international hub for meetings and events, and the strong commitment of our local chapter in bringing GMIC’s message to the world,” said GMIC president Paul Salinger, vice president of marketing for Oracle Corp.

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