Home Sustainability Our Tree Planting Program & Why It is Important

Our Tree Planting Program & Why It is Important


Each time your company purchases an ad with Green Lodging News, Green Lodging News will allocate $10 toward the Arbor Day Foundation. For every $50 collected and donated, the Arbor Day Foundation will plant 10 trees in a forest. During a previous partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation, Green Lodging News donated toward the planting of 1,000 trees. In its 50 years, the Arbor Day Foundation has planted and distributed nearly 500 million trees in more than 50 countries around the world.

According to Stand for Trees, trees are nature’s greatest carbon sink. They absorb it from the atmosphere, convert it into glucose for their cells, and store it in their leaves, branches, and roots as they grow. (And then they “exhale” oxygen for us to use.) That’s how they help regulate the climate (and clean the air)—among many other things.

The Other Benefits That Trees Provide

Trees also do much more than just absorb CO2. They are a renewable resource, and they provide many benefits for humans—including food production, fuel, medicine, building materials, recreation, shade, beauty, wildlife habitat, clean water and air, soil conservation, erosion control, flood protection, windbreaks, and much more.

They also play a vital role in protecting our planet from extreme weather events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, drought, flooding, wildfires, heat waves, and cold snaps. They act as barriers between land and sea, helping to slow storm surges during coastal storms. And they help stabilize soils, preventing them from eroding into rivers and streams. When it comes to reducing risks associated with severe weather, trees are critical. Especially since the effects of climate change are expected to make all these worse.

All of these are called ecosystem services, and they’re critical to life on Earth. Yes, there are other options, both for reducing emissions and for removing carbon from the atmosphere. But only trees (and forests) provide all these other benefits at the same time.

Interested in participating in Green Lodging News’ tree planting program? Contact Glenn Hasek, Publisher and Editor, at (813) 510-3868, or by e-mail at greenlodgingnews@gmail.com. To learn about all of our advertising opportunities, visit our Advertising/Media Kit page.