Home Publisher's Point of View Booking.com Releases Sixth Annual Sustainable Travel Report

Booking.com Releases Sixth Annual Sustainable Travel Report

Glenn Hasek

Booking.com just released its sixth annual Sustainable Travel Report (see related article). It is based on one of the travel industry’s largest surveys and worth paying attention to. A total of 29,000 travelers from 30 countries were surveyed. (Click here to access a page where the Report can be downloaded.)

“Our research uncovers how the travel hiatus has opened travelers’ eyes to the impact, both positive and negative, that their trips can have on local ecosystems and communities around the world,” said Marianne Gybels, Director of Sustainability at Booking.com.

As the world of travel starts to open again, Booking.com’s 2021 Sustainable Travel Report reveals that American travelers are more committed than ever to do so in a mindful way, with just under half (46 percent) stating that the pandemic has influenced them to want to travel more sustainably in the future. Interestingly, the United States lands toward the bottom of the survey regarding this question. There are 20 countries above the United States where travelers want to travel more sustainably (India, 88 percent, China, 84 percent, for example).

Some Highlights from the Report

The following are some additional nuggets from the Report:

  • Sixty-three percent of travelers believe we have to act now to save the planet for future generations.
  • The biggest impact concerns of travelers include: excess waste (43 percent), and threats to local wildlife and natural habitats.
  • Eighty-one percent said they intend to stay in a sustainable accommodation at least once in the upcoming year. This compares to 62 percent in 2016.
  • Forty-four percent of travelers indicate they do not know how to find sustainable travel options. Although three out of four accommodation partners say that they have implemented sustainable practices at their property, under a third (31 percent) actively communicate about their efforts proactively to potential guests, with this mostly happening at the time of check-in (59 percent). (Why are many hiding their green story? Perhaps they do not have someone on staff with the communication skills to do that?) Thirty-three percent of travelers believe hotels don’t believe they do enough that is worth communicating to guests.
  • Seventy-eight percent of travelers want to reduce their energy consumption; 78 percent are keen to reduce water usage.
  • Thirty-six percent took their own reusable water bottle, rather than buying bottled water on vacation.

In its report, Booking.com announced it is rolling out a program for properties that will support them in taking the next steps to become more sustainable, no matter where they might be on that journey. As part of this program, it is sharing guidance, insights and best practices with partners via various educational opportunities, including sustainability handbooks and dedicated content on its Partner Hub.

On its site, Booking.com is currently displaying over 30 certifications officially approved by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), Green Tourism and the EU Ecolabel, as well as multiple hotel chain sustainability programs. It is sourcing this information directly from the certification bodies and displaying it on the property pages of partners who hold one of these established third-party certifications.

In addition, Booking.com is encouraging its accommodation partners to update their sustainability information, which includes 32 impactful practices across five key categories: waste, energy and greenhouse gases, water, supporting local communities and protecting nature. From this global roll-out, hundreds of thousands of properties have now shared their sustainability information with Booking.com, which can be viewed on the “Sustainability initiatives” banner on each of their property pages.

Who is Your Sustainability Champion?

Green Lodging News is always looking to profile sustainability champions in our Personnel Profile section. If you would like to nominate someone for this section of Green Lodging News, contact me at (813) 510-3868, or by e-mail at greenlodgingnews@gmail.com.

Looking for Guest Columnists

Every two weeks Green Lodging News posts a new guest column on its website. (Click here for examples.) The guest column also appears in the weekly e-newsletter. Green Lodging News is currently in need of industry experts to contribute occasional guest columns. Experts may include consultants, architects, designers, suppliers and those who own or operate green lodging establishments. Columns may be articles that take a stance on a particular subject or be strictly educational in nature. Columnists benefit by having their photo included along with a one paragraph description of their company. Interested in writing a column? Contact Glenn Hasek, publisher and editor, at (813) 510-3868, or by e-mail at greenlodgingnews@gmail.com.

Get in the Green Suppliers Spotlight!

Green Lodging News, lodging’s leading environmental news source, publishes Green Suppliers Spotlight, an e-blast to 23,615 subscribers that features the lodging industry’s leading green products and services. The e-blast features multiple vendors—unlike the current Green Supplier Spotlight that allows one supplier to “own” the Green Lodging News subscriber list for one e-blast. (Click here for a Green Suppliers Spotlight sample.)

Green Suppliers Spotlight is published weekly on Thursdays to general managers, owners, management companies, directors of sustainability, directors of engineering, facilities managers and many others who are either in purchasing positions or who influence purchasing decisions. Suppliers of green products and services throughout North America and beyond are invited to participate in the e-blast. (Minimum two suppliers per e-blast.) Green Suppliers Spotlight was created to give vendors an opportunity to reach a high number of industry purchasers at a very low cost—as low as $200 per e-mail. (Click here for rate sheet.)

Those advertising in Green Suppliers Spotlight can include up to 100 words, one image, contact information and multiple links to their website in their ad. At the end of each month, a report will be sent to each supplier with information on delivered e-mails, opens and click-throughs.

Planning Advertising for 2021?

Green Lodging News is accepting reservations for advertising spots for 2021. Many excellent spots are available on our website and in the weekly e-mail newsletter. Many Green Supplier Spotlight dates are also available. Interested in receiving a 2021 media kit? Be sure to contact me as soon as possible at (813) 510-3868, or by e-mail at greenlodgingnews@gmail.com. Media kits can also be accessed by clicking here. Thank you to all those companies that consistently support Green Lodging News.

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The circulation of our weekly e-newsletter and Green Supplier Spotlight currently stands at 23,615. Thank you to our new subscribers for signing up. Be sure to encourage your colleagues to do the same. There are “subscribe” links on the Green Lodging News home page. You may also e-mail greenlodgingnews@gmail.com to be added to our list.

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As always, I can be reached at greenlodgingnews@gmail.com.