Home News & Features WTTC Focuses Debate on Climate Change with Global Ad Campaign

WTTC Focuses Debate on Climate Change with Global Ad Campaign


LONDON, ENGLAND—Recent months have given evidence of a marked increase in the world’s determination to address environmental challenges. Above all, a tipping point has been reached on climate change and in particular its impact on the environment. In response, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has launched an international campaign to call to dialogue the issues on climate change. The campaign will run full pages in authoritative publications including The Daily Telegraph, Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal and travel trade media around the world.

An online forum has been created to encourage open dialogue on the issues that need to be addressed on climate change. The forum also draws input concerning environmental good practice, working hand in hand with sustainable communities, nations and business. Industry leaders, experts, governments and other stakeholders are invited to join the dialogue and to share their views by visiting www.globaltraveltourism.com/environment.

Travel and tourism leaders from the public and private sector, as well as international media will gather to reflect on the online dialogue and to discuss the issues at the 7th Global Travel & Tourism Summit in Lisbon, Portugal, May 11-12, 2007.

“The risk of an energy crisis is forcing a re-think on consumption levels, efficiency, and alternatives,” says WTTC President Jean-Claude Baumgarten. “Know-how is being developed and already travel and tourism leaders are working on making a real difference, not only on the carbon footprint of their activities, but also the overall impact of travel and tourism on our natural environment. Rather than demonizing any industry or activity, the task now for individuals, corporations, communities and governments is to cut through misconceptions and to work on realizing practical solutions for a sustainable future.”

Summit Event to be Carbon Neutral

WTTC also announced that the 7th Global Travel & Tourism Summit will be a carbon neutral event. The offsetting scheme is being sponsored by Travelport and supported by Sustainable Travel International (STI). The offsets will fund renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in Africa, Asia and Central America through STI and MyClimate which will reduce carbon emissions elsewhere.

“Travelport’s sponsorship of a carbon offsetting initiative at the upcoming summit in Lisbon is reflective of the travel sector’s continued commitment to environmental responsibility,” says Jeff Clarke, Travelport President and CEO. “As a leading company in the online and offline travel space, it’s our sincere hope that our industry will continue to lead developments to address environmental issues on a global scale.”

“Demonstrating that unavoidable carbon impacts can be offset sends an important message to the industry and to travelers worldwide,” says STI President Brian Mullis. “Since the Global Travel & Tourism Summit will be the highest profile tourism-related event to become carbon neutral, we’re hoping it will catalyze a movement we’ve spearheaded in helping the travel and tourism industry become carbon neutral.”

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