Home Energy Management Watt Stopper/Legrand’s New Lighting Control Device Brings Energy Savings to Lighting

Watt Stopper/Legrand’s New Lighting Control Device Brings Energy Savings to Lighting


SANTA CLARA, CALIF.—Watt Stopper/Legrand announces the ELCU-100 Emergency Lighting Control Unit, bringing energy savings to emergency lighting. Emergency lighting typically burns 24/7, and with recent changes to state and local building codes in major metropolitan areas, specifiers are having to devote more watts per square foot to emergency lighting than ever before.

This new product allows building owners and operators to leverage the energy saving benefits of control devices such as occupancy sensors and time scheduled systems by having these devices control emergency lighting in tandem with non-emergency lighting. They can also be assured of enhanced response from the emergency lighting, because the ELCU-100 provides control at the branch circuit level and it will force emergency lighting on even if normal power is interrupted in only part of the building.

The ELCU-100, UL 924 listed, offers optimum flexibility and safety, with wiring options to accommodate different control needs and an input for remote control. Using this feature, emergency lighting can be activated by a fire alarm or building security system. A test button is integral to the device to facilitate the system testing required by codes, and a remote test switch may be used for convenience. Three colored LEDs indicate the presence of normal and emergency power and remote activation to insure personnel safety.

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