Home Sales & Marketing San Juan Marriott is First in Region to Offer Carbon Offset Program

San Juan Marriott is First in Region to Offer Carbon Offset Program


SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO—The San Juan Marriott has joined forces with Sustainable Travel International (STI) on its pioneering TravelGreen program, which will allow it to offer carbon neutral accommodations—the first hotel in Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean, to do so. Carbon neutral means the point at which greenhouse gas emissions have been identified, measured, reduced where possible, and 100 percent of the remaining emissions have been offset through high quality renewable energy or energy efficiency projects.

TravelGreen allows San Juan Marriott guests the opportunity to do something proactive and help offset greenhouse gas emissions. A typical one-night hotel stay expends approximately 33.6 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions. For $1.00, guests will be able to pay for a TravelGreen Mini-Green Tag, which is equal to offsetting 33.6 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions, equating to 100 percent of the energy consumption related to one night’s hotel stay as an industry average.

“Travel is inevitable, however, we don’t have to sit idly and claim there’s nothing we can do about its effects on the environment,” says Hans-Georg Rohrbein, general manager. “Rather, we are working to counteract its impact, as well as empowering guests to take a personal role in positively impacting the environment. It’s a simple, cost-efficient option for those who seek ways to be more environmentally friendly in their travels.”

The cost of a Mini-Green Tag ($1 per room, per night) is charged to guests’ invoices with their consent upon check-in and goes directly toward certified and verified renewable energy projects in North America. If a guest chooses not to participate in the program, they decline at check-in or at any time throughout their stay.

Go to www.Travel-Green.org.