CAPE ELIZABETH, MAINE—Maine’s Governor John Baldacci introduced Webber Energy Fuels’ biofuel program at The Inn By The Sea this past weekend. This winter, The Inn By The Sea will be the first hotel in Maine to keep guests warm with Webber’s new fuel comprised of heating oil mixed with fats and vegetable oils.
Choosing to heat with Webber’s biofuel made with domestic renewable natural products is part of The Inn By The Sea’s ongoing commitment to reduce heating oil consumption and to align business practices with consideration for the environment, according to the inn’s general manager, Tom Petot.
South Portland and Cape Elizabeth Representative Jane Eberle, who serves on the state’s Committee on Natural Resources, introduced Governor Baldacci at the event announcing the program. Eberle sees The Inn By The Sea as an example of how the environment supports the Maine economy. With tourism being the leading industry in Maine, the hospitality industry is in a unique position to impact the environment positively by both reducing energy consumption and preserving Maine’s natural beauty, the magnet that brings visitors to the state.
According to Michael Shea, Webber Energy Fuels’ president, Webber’s biofuel, which is currently comprised of approximately 5 percent natural renewable resources, helps heating oil burn cleaner in a boiler or furnace, making it better for the environment, and in the near future will significantly reduce heating oil consumption in the state. The bio additive, a vegetable oil derivative, is non-toxic and biodegradable in its pure form. Because it is grown domestically, it can lessen reliance on foreign oil. Webber hopes to increase the percentage of bio derivatives in heating oil over time.
Go to The Inn By the Sea.