CLEVELAND, OHIO—Hasek Communications, the Cleveland-based publisher of Green Lodging News, welcomes Queenaire Technologies, Ashburn, Va., as a Founding Sponsor. Queenaire, with a management team with more than 30 years in the ozone industry, provides ozone generating products that deodorize and eliminate odors safely and effectively.
The company sells five different machines for different size rooms and applications. Queenaire also produces the Newaire Plugin, a portable plug-in unit that can deodorize rooms up to 500 square feet in size. All of Queenaire’s products are ideal for eliminating in-room odors caused by smoke, mold and mildew, pets, and other sources.
According to Queenaire, unlike many other deodorizing methods, ozone searches out and destroys problem gases. It will react with contaminants in the air, water, fabrics and on the surface of the walls and ceilings. Unlike other types of air purification systems, an ozone generator does not depend on the air passing through the machine to do its job. The Newaire Plugin, with patented technology, produces large quantities of ions. The ions cause the dust particles to agglomerate, and precipitate from the air, leaving a cleaner environment.
Queenaire is the third Green Lodging News Founding Sponsor. The others include Green Suites International and Sierra Environmental Technologies.
Go to Queenaire Technologies for more information.