Home Air Quality Green Lodging News Adds Pure Solutions NA as Founding Sponsor

Green Lodging News Adds Pure Solutions NA as Founding Sponsor


CLEVELAND, OHIO—Hasek Communications, the Cleveland-based publisher of Green Lodging News, welcomes Pure Solutions NA, Cheektowaga, N.Y., as a Founding Sponsor. Pure Solutions is the creator of the PURE Allergy Friendly Room.

PURE Allergy Friendly Rooms provide guests with an environment where all surfaces are treated to minimize contaminants and irritants—mold spores, yeast, bacteria, pollen, dust, dust mites and chlorine—as well as their odors. Pure Solutions’ patent pending process includes air handling unit cleaning, carpet cleaning, filter replacement, surface cleaning with a Pure Clean Solution, ozone shock treatment, the application of a surface barrier on all room surfaces, an air purification system, mattress and pillow encasements, and a showerhead with chlorine filter.

CNN named PURE Allergy Friendly Rooms as one of the hottest trends emerging in the hospitality industry. While supplying air that that is 10 times cleaner than outside air, the PURE Process provides potential energy savings of 15 percent. Hotels with PURE Rooms are charging a $10 to $50 premium depending on the season and scale of the property.

Call (877) 787-7666 for more information, go to Pure Solutions, or e-mail Elizabeth@pureroom.com.