OTTAWA, ONT.—The EcoLogo Program, an environmental certifying and labeling program, is about to launch its “EcoLogo USA Campaign 2006-2007.” The EcoLogo Program certifies products and services as Green and environmentally preferable in a variety of fields and industries. This includes everything from cleaning chemicals, building materials and agricultural products, to automotive and boating tools and equipment.
According to Kevin Gallagher, EcoLogo vice president who is heading the program, the goals of the EcoLogo USA Campaign—which will begin September 6, 2007—are twofold: to help U.S. consumers better understand the value of using environmentally preferable products and to promote the companies that produce them.
“The trend is clear throughout the U.S.; purchasers want Green-certified products,” Gallagher says. “But, at the same time, they are calling for credible definitions and standards. The EcoLogo USA Campaign will help provide these guidelines, as it encourages environmental leadership and competition for Green products in the marketplace.”
Corporate Sponsors
Gallagher adds that the campaign is also gathering corporate sponsors to help support the program. These corporate sponsors will receive a variety of benefits, including:
• A quarterly report outlining upcoming speaking engagements, seminars, and meetings with purchasing agents in major U.S. marketplaces;
• Copies of articles pertaining to EcoLogo in the jansan and Green building sectors;
• A database that includes the names, titles, and affiliations of major U.S. purchasing agents;
• Copies of advertisements in trade publications for both the jansan and Green building sectors; and
• EcoLogo seminars for sales staff.
“There are several other benefits for corporate sponsors as well,” Gallagher says. “They range from representation before major U.S purchasers encouraging them to select EcoLogo certified products, to public relations, advertising, and e-mail marketing services.”
According to Gallagher, ultimately the EcoLogo USA Campaign’s success will be determined as more major U.S. purchasers select environmentally preferable products.
“Then it will be a winning situation all around—helping the consumer, the manufacturer, and the environment all at the same time,” he says.