Home Green Design American Clay Now Offering No-VOC PlasterPlus

American Clay Now Offering No-VOC PlasterPlus


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.—American Clay Enterprises, Inc.’s new PlasterPlus offers a hard, yet repairable, no-VOC (volatile organic compound) finish for the cost of a high quality, zero-VOC paint job.  PlasterPlus is sold dry in 27 lb. lots through select commercial distributors, and is intended for hospitality projects. The polymer binder has no VOCs, is mold resistant, easy to apply, and can contribute up to eight LEED points.

American Clay has been used for numerous commercial/industrial jobs to date—from hotels (including Disney) and retail to schools and spas. Now with PlasterPlus, American Clay can replace paint more equitably. Adding the completely repairable binder to the single-coat commercial Enjarre, as well as to any of the color-integral American Clay premier Legacy products, results in the easiest, hardest surface application of American Clay to date.

PlasterPlus-enhanced American Clay provides big project builders and developers the following benefits:

• Added hardness and increased ease of application.
• Longevity outlasting a painted wall, creating cost, labor and time savings. It does not need to be repainted for the life of the walls because the clay itself resists dirt and grime.
• Resistance to fading due to the natural mineral pigments.
• Highly suitable for economical spray-on application in one- or two-coat systems.
• Creates less than 5 percent on-site waste of material during application.
• Unlike other acrylic, gypsum or lime specialty finishes, walls coated with American Clay plaster with PlasterPlus can be wetted and reworked after application (without adding additional binder) to achieve desired results and yet is hard and durable.
• Cleanup is much quicker and easier than with paint, since there is no thick latex binder involved.
• As with the Legacy products, this new binder is a no-VOC, zero formaldehyde choice for walls, bringing humidity and temperature moderating qualities to a project’s interior environment.

“It took us a year of rigorous in-house testing and third party verification on VOC and formaldehyde levels to assure our team that we had a superior material to provide to large-scale builders and developers,” says American Clay CEO and co-Founder Croft Elsaesser.

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