Home Energy Management Wyndham New Yorker Hotel Recommits Itself to Green Efforts

Wyndham New Yorker Hotel Recommits Itself to Green Efforts


NEW YORK—The Wyndham New Yorker Hotel has made tremendous strides over the past several years to support its eco-friendly initiatives. In honor of Earth Day, the iconic hotel recently recommitted itself to upholding these standards in an effort to preserve the environment.
As the hotel embarks on a fresh look with the rollout of a five-year, multi-million dollar renovation that will modernize the 912-room property, it will continue to purchase energy produced by green power like solar, hydro or wind power. The hotel also buys carbon credits to offset the energy they purchase, which is produced by burning fossil fuels. The ownership and management of the Wyndham New Yorker Hotel made eco-consciousness a high priority and value being an integral part of making the environment a cleaner and safer place.  
In addition to the hotel’s energy saving initiatives, the Wyndham New Yorker has partnered with Great Forest to process its solid waste stream. In 2013, the hotel diverted 343 tons/82 percent of its solid waste stream away from landfills, saving 953 trees; 112 barrels of oil; 392,350 gallons of water; and 229,805 kWh of electricity. Wyndham New Yorker Hotel has also received various certificates on behalf of their green initiatives, including the C-Neutral Certificate for supporting carbon reduction projects and the Renewable Energy Certificate for supporting renewable energy sources through green purchases. Wyndham New Yorker Hotel is preparing to install a modern cogeneration system which will generate all electrical power on-site using clean natural gas while utilizing the waste heat for heating and cooling. The system will provide power that will remain available even in the event of a blackout.
For guests staying at the Wyndham New Yorker Hotel, wasting unused soap is no longer an issue, as the property sends it to impoverished areas around the world, providing those in need with hygienic toiletries. The hotel holds of the title of being No. 1 in recycling guestroom soaps for use in developing countries, an award designated by Clean the World.

Go to the Wyndham New Yorker Hotel.