Home Sales & Marketing Waterless Launches New Facebook Site

Waterless Launches New Facebook Site


VISTA, CALIF.—Waterless Co., Inc., the oldest and one of the largest companies in the United States manufacturing no-water urinals and other restroom products, announces the official launch of its new Facebook Fan page. The site has been in the planning stages for the past few months. The company already has a successful blog, which is primarily used to discuss water conservation and efficiency issues.

According to Niki Bradley, marketing manager for Waterless, the goals of the new Facebook site are to foster interaction between the company and its customers and potential customers, bolster brand identity, and enhance customer service.

“We also want to make it a platform to continue educating end-users about how Waterless urinals work and how important they are to sustainability, LEED certification, as well as energy conservation,” says Bradley.

It is now well-documented that no-water urinals can save as much as 40,000 gallons of water annually per urinal.

LEED & Water Conservation

Also, it is believed that the new LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance rating system, which is expected to be released later this year, will place considerably more emphasis on water conservation and efficiency.

Further, several reports now tie water conservation to energy conservation. This is because significant energy is required to move water from one location to another in the United States.

“We also see the [Facebook] site as a perfect platform for people to ask questions about no-water urinals, water conservation, and even make suggestions on how we can improve our products,” adds Bradley. “We really welcome the interaction.”

Although Bradley says no promotional or contest is planned to promote the Facebook site, “it is something we are considering and will likely give more thought to further down the road.”

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