Home Cleaning & Maintenance Violet Defense Offering UV Germ-Fighting Products

Violet Defense Offering UV Germ-Fighting Products


ORLANDO, FLA.—While COVID-19 raised awareness about the importance of indoor air quality and effective disinfection practices, the mass use of chemical disinfectants and wipes also poses a threat to the environment. However, companies can adopt sustainable cleaning practices that protect against current and future threats while still protecting the planet for future generations. Violet Defense, a UV disinfection company with patented and proven technology to help make the world healthier, is playing a role in this critical effort through its ultraviolet (UV) germ-fighting offerings.

Violet Defense replaces the need for chemical disinfectants, which have detrimental effects on health and the environment and are often used improperly, making them ineffective. Violet Defense’s UV technology employs powerful, broad-spectrum light, including germicidal UV-C, UV-B, UV-A, and violet-blue, enhancing their germ-killing efficiency. The technology’s proprietary design, which leverages pulsed xenon technology, is also environmentally friendly for its low power demands. Its units will also last for up to 5,000 disinfection cycles, reducing the waste and environmental impact of the traditional alternative of chemical sanitation.

Violet Defense’s proven and patented technology has been independently validated by multiple testing labs to kill up to 99.9 percent of SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind COVID-19, E. coli, Salmonella, Norovirus, MRSA, and C. diff. The company’s products are currently being used in operating rooms, hotels, schools, ambulances, food processing, and athletic facilities.

That effectiveness across a wide variety of settings has been vital during the pandemic, as organizations seek to not only disinfect surfaces but also improve ventilation and indoor air quality, which can protect the health of building occupants and reduce the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus. In March, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency emphasized that need with its “Clean Air in Buildings Challenge,” a call to action and a set of guiding principles to assist building owners and operators with reducing risks from airborne viruses and other contaminants indoors.

Will Sanitize Both Air and Surfaces

Violet Defense’s pulsed Xenon UV disinfection products will sanitize both air and surfaces, providing a comprehensive and effective solution to protect against pathogens like COVID-19 that may be transmitted in the air or via contaminated surfaces. Violet Defense also offers a series of continuous air purification solutions through its partners at PURO Air for use in HVAC systems, in-room, or upper-air.

Violet Defense’s industrial UV sanitizer solution also addresses the environmental concern of plastics pollution and waste generation in general. The pandemic caused an exponential increase in the use of products like disposable gloves, masks, and wipes. Using UV technology reduces the need for the use of products destined for garbage dumps.

“Violet Defense is focused on giving our customers the peace of mind that their spaces are clean and healthy, and our technology provides the opportunity to do so in a safe, sustainable way,” said David Scalzo, CEO of Violet Defense. “Not only are chemicals harmful to individual health, but they also pose a threat to the environment. We’re committed to bringing the natural germ-killing power of sunshine indoors and providing a sustainable alternative for disinfecting spaces.”

To learn more about Violet Defense and its offerings, visit www.violetdefense.com.