For years the EPA has been relaying evidence that indoor air can be more seriously polluted than outdoor air even in the largest and most industrialized cities. Given that people spend approximately 90 percent of their time indoors, that is not a good thing—especially for the young, the elderly and the chronically ill. These groups often spend time in your hotels.
With the coming of COVID-19 and its many related variants, air quality (and surface quality) has finally got the attention it deserves, says Randy Mount, Owner & CEO of Extreme Microbial Technologies, who I spoke with for this column. His company uses a patented four-step solution for poor indoor air quality that also happens to disinfect surfaces as well. The four steps include determining microbial levels, reducing microbial levels, providing customized continuous protection, and real-time ongoing monitoring.
I have posted press releases from companies that use hydrogen peroxide to kill viruses, bacteria and molds that invade indoor spaces daily, but Mount says his company is different because it offers a one stop shop type of experience for its customers. It does not just sell a product. Extreme Microbial Technologies is not a Green Lodging News advertiser, but its technology got my attention and I wanted to share it.
Active Hydrogen Peroxide Plasma
Without getting too technical, Mount says Extreme Microbial Technologies’ surface and air purification equipment creates Active Hydrogen Peroxide Plasma. This plasma seeks out and attacks microbes throughout the treated space, cleansing the area. Tested by accredited third parties, the Plasma kill more than 99 percent of COVID-19 and other common viruses, bacteria, mold, and fungus.
Unlike some air treatments such as ozone, which can be hazardous to the person in the space when the space is being treated, Active Hydrogen Peroxide Plasma is like water in structure. In fact, Mount says, “It is just water, oxygen and an oxygen molecule.” It kills mold 50 times faster than ozone, is self-regulating therefore the levels cannot climb too high, it only attacks the microbes and contaminants in indoor environments, is safe for people, plants, and pets, and diffuses into every crack and crevice to eliminate microbes where they live.
According to Extreme Microbial Technologies, filters and UV systems can only trap or kill the microbes that encounter the filter material or the light waves emanating from the bulb in the ductwork. Even then, many microbes are too small to be trapped and pass through or are moving so quickly the UV light does not have time to adequately expose the organism to the harmful UV rays.
Detection & Purification
Mount, who founded his company in 2016, previously specialized in restoration and mitigation of dangers such as mold and bacteria. Today, Extreme Microbial Technologies offers several types of bacteria detection equipment in addition to three machines for air and surface purification. The MAK-Inline is designed to easily integrate with an existing heating and air conditioning system. The MAK-5 and MAK-9 are for use in both residential and commercial facilities to dramatically reduce mold, mildew, fungus, VOC’s and a host of bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants. The MAK-TWIN is designed for larger spaces such as warehouses, large athletic facilities, and more. Even PTACs and VTACs can be retrofitted with the company’s purification technology.
Mount emphasized the importance of preventing an air or surface quality problem before it occurs. For those faced with a remediation situation, Active Hydrogen Peroxide Plasma can take care of the problem and help an owner avoid demolition—a costly endeavor.
The introduction of Active Hydrogen Peroxide Plasma into a space can also help a hotel save energy by reducing the number of times air needs to be exchanged in a space.
From a maintenance standpoint, Extreme Microbial Technologies cells need to be replaced every two years but Mount says his company offers a subscription plan that includes ongoing maintenance and parts replacement.
When considering hydrogen peroxide as an air and surface purification solution, be sure to also check out CASPR Technologies, Puradigm, and RGF Environmental Group, Inc.
If you have not yet taken the steps to improve the air quality in your hotel, it is not too late to do so. There are many things that you can do, including implementing the kind of technology described above.
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Green Lodging News, lodging’s leading environmental news source, publishes Green Suppliers Spotlight, an e-blast to 21,777 subscribers that features the lodging industry’s leading green products and services. The e-blast features multiple vendors—unlike the current Green Supplier Spotlight that allows one supplier to “own” the Green Lodging News subscriber list for one e-blast. (Click here for a Green Suppliers Spotlight sample.)
Green Suppliers Spotlight is published weekly on Thursdays to general managers, owners, management companies, directors of sustainability, directors of engineering, facilities managers and many others who are either in purchasing positions or who influence purchasing decisions. Suppliers of green products and services throughout North America and beyond are invited to participate in the e-blast. (Minimum two suppliers per e-blast.) Green Suppliers Spotlight was created to give vendors an opportunity to reach a high number of industry purchasers at a very low cost—as low as $200 per e-mail. (Click here for rate sheet.)
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Green Lodging News is accepting reservations for advertising spots for the second half of 2022. Many excellent spots are available on our website and in the weekly e-mail newsletter. Many Green Supplier Spotlight dates are also available. Interested in receiving a 2022 media kit? Be sure to contact me as soon as possible at (813) 510-3868, or by e-mail at greenlodgingnews@gmail.com. A media kit can also be accessed by clicking here. Thank you to all those companies that consistently support Green Lodging News.
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The circulation of our weekly e-newsletter and Green Supplier Spotlight currently stands at 21,777. Thank you to our new subscribers for signing up. Be sure to encourage your colleagues to do the same. There are “subscribe” links on the Green Lodging News home page. You may also e-mail greenlodgingnews@gmail.com to be added to our list.
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