Home Publisher's Point of View Some Thoughts on Leadership from a Former Presidential Campaign Manager

Some Thoughts on Leadership from a Former Presidential Campaign Manager


When I was in fifth grade, my teacher tried to convince me to run for student council president. I passed because I thought I did not have what it takes to speak in front of a group of students. Instead, I agreed to serve as the campaign manager for a classmate, thinking that I would not have to…you got it…speak in front of a group of students. Well, I was wrong. I did have to go from classroom to classroom to speak on behalf of my candidate. I gave my speech in a southern accent and in a dramatic fashion, kind of Gomer Pyle-like as I recall. After witnessing such performances, my teacher took me aside and scolded me for not running for president. I had given the best speeches of anyone in that small political arena. I will never forget that life lesson.

Having watched most of the U.S. presidential debates recently, I have been thinking a lot about leadership, communication skills and how important this fall’s election is. Will America be wise enough to choose someone who will understand the most challenging environmental issues of our time? Will it select someone who understands the value of smart building, business incentives and the need for renewable energy technologies to move us away from our dependence on foreign oil? Will it choose a candidate who has what it takes to inspire us to innovate and, if need be, sacrifice? I certainly hope so. I think we can all agree that a positive change is needed.

Whether at the local, state or national government level, or at the state or national lodging association level, make sure that you filter out those candidates for leadership who do not clearly understand the green paradigm shift that needs to happen in our economy and in our industry. Look for a leader with a “can do” attitude who looks at environmental challenges from a global perspective, and who understands the business upside to green building and operations. Choose those candidates who favor dialogue, cooperation and inclusiveness over isolation and arrogance.

If your local, state, or national government or association is currently being led by someone who does not “get green,” tell them to “get with the program.” No matter what you do, vote. Too many people still don’t exercise that right, and they don’t realize how fortunate they are to have that freedom of choice.

UNLV-JMBM Hotel Developers Conference Agenda

Approximately 500 people are expected to attend the UNLV-JMBM Hotel Developers Conference in Las Vegas from March 11 to 13. Seventy speakers will focus on green hotel development. To access a brochure for the event, click here.

New Product & Service Directory Partner

Green Lodging News welcomes Essence of Vali as a Green Product & Service Directory partner. The New York-based company’s award winning formulas are 100 percent natural. Its sleep formula is a natural fit for the hospitality market. Essence of Vali’s products can be given as a gift, sold in the mini-bar or presented as a turndown item. Private label programs are available. Call (212) 242-0576, e-mail valerie@essenceofvali.com, or go to www.essenceofvali.com.

New Case Study Added to Website

Green Lodging News has added its sixth case study to its new Vendor Case Studies section. The case study focuses on the Holiday Inn Hotel North Vancouver and how it has benefited from Energex Inc.’s sensor-based guestroom energy management system. The hotel installed Energex’s solution in 162 guestrooms. So far, it has saved the hotel approximately $16,000 a year in energy costs. The Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites North Vancouver joins nearly 100 other properties in 11 countries that have adopted Energex’s energy management technology.

To read the case study, click here.

As always, I can be reached at editor@greenlodgingnews.com.