Home Vendor News Sloan Makes Improvements to Flush-Valve Cartridge

Sloan Makes Improvements to Flush-Valve Cartridge


FRANKLIN PARK, ILL.—Sloan Flushmate announces the availability of its new flush-valve cartridge that was designed to be quieter and require less handle torque than previous generations. The user will experience a much more conventional feel.

The new cartridge significantly reduces the actuation force required to flush, (<1.5 lbs.), bringing it more in line with traditional gravity-fed units (3.5 lbs.). As a result, handle kickback has been minimized, extending the life of the assembly, and overall operation is much quieter due to a more “fluid” actuation.

“Quite often, people don’t appreciate subtle changes that manufacturers make in products, but in this case, our focus on continuous improvement will be noticed by all customers who utilize this product,” says Scott Riggs, Consumer Service Manager, Flushmate. “Our commitment to customer satisfaction is ongoing, and lately, we’ve been hearing from our customers on the need for a more conventional feel to the handle mechanism. So we gave it to them.”

To ensure compatible retrofit and long-term reliability, the newly designed cartridge has been tested in all of Flushmate’s production models, including all previous Flushmate series and on both push-button and trip-level fixtures. The new flush-valve cartridge also passed a battery of testing processes (including component durability, accelerated life cycle, abusive chemicals and variant water pressure) and several months of field testing in various residential and commercial applications in a broad variety of climates and conditions across the country.

For simple identification, the new flush-valve cartridge is differentiated with a high-contrast actuator cap instead of the original white/off-white actuator cap. The new actuator cap is black. This new cartridge is the standard replacement for all existing Flushmate systems.

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