The trend in spa vacations, wellness classes, and eco therapy is growing
and continues to weave its way into business as usual. With our dependence on
resources and mother nature, sustainability is front and center in the
hospitality industry. Most guests expect certain standards and that includes a more
restorative mindset in our business models. Are you up to speed with your
initiatives? Here are some best practices to consider in your CSR plans for
spas, wellness programs, and beyond.
Evolving Your Brand
Include your sustainability mission and vision in your culture, messaging and
marketing. Make it visible and share your success stories with your staff and on
social media. Benefits: Guests want
to stay in healthy, eco-minded places that support their values and interests. Many
people look for green programs and certifications on your website. Stand out
from the crowd with focus on your niche and unique programs. Examples: Even if you don’t have a large
spa, you can offer some wellness amenities in your rooms and fitness center.
You can also sponsor local wellness activities, promote local parks, and host
on-site events such as eco-brand pop-ups. Offer holistic therapies bringing natural
elements into the spa.
Assess Your Spa Services
Use treatment protocols that use less water, chemicals, and products. Benefits: Smart menu updates save
resources and reduce costs for a better ROI. Time and staff needs are also reduced
with more efficient services. It’s a more tranquil atmosphere with reduced cleanup
time that can be better used for a more luxurious service. Examples: Many spas are switching from steam rooms to salt rooms
for the health benefits and water and energy savings. Lighter towels and linens
that dry faster are worth the investment. Masks and scrubs that rinse easier
save towels, water use, shower needs, and laundry costs. Vichy showers and wet
tables use a large amount of water so switching from heavy water use saves significant
precious resources. Concentrate major water use in the spa thermal areas for an
enhanced water therapy experience. Train the staff to be eco-conscious in their
protocols and facility operations.
Vet Your Product and Retail Choices
Are any of your skin care brands natural and organic? Are your retail items
locally made with natural materials? Is packaging minimal? Benefits: Savvy guests are well educated on clean, healthy products
and ingredients. They notice the eco details in what they are buying. Spas that
sell and use local crafted items create a more distinctive atmosphere of
cultural appeal. Guests are more apt to select and recommend custom products
they support and believe in. An important part of a spa’s success depends on a
strong retail program that is both interesting and benefits guest’s wellness. Examples: Beyond natural, organic
products, look for local suppliers of textiles, boutique items, amenities, and
food that be used in lounge areas. Promote these brands in messaging and talk
about their story in the spa. Can the big fancy throw away retail bags still be
eco-lux and smaller made with recycled paper? Ask vendors to cut their excessive
packaging and plan to switch up your retail bags when it’s time to buy again.
Choose Sustainable Purchasing
This is the main mantra in becoming more sustainable. Since most of us don’t
have time for research and getting into the complex life cycle assessment
(LCA), simply asking how each item impacts the world makes a big difference in any
business. What is it made of? Is it durable? Is it non-toxic? Does it save
resources? Benefits: Buying less-toxic
materials is healthier for everyone. Quality lasts longer in the long run.
Saving resources also reduces utilities and recycling costs. The benefits carry
beyond the spa to manufacturing and the ecosystem. Examples: Supplies and equipment can be vetted for materials and
resource savings. Plastic reduction and buying reusable supplies, instead of
disposables saves costs and keeps plastic out of our waste stream and water
ways. Building materials are becoming healthier every day but unhealthy air and
toxins still cause health problems. Chemicals and cleaning supplies are a
concern. Switch from single-use plastic water bottles to water stations and
refillable glasses. Give guests their own refillable bottle branded with your
Create Healthy Spaces
The spa experience is attuned to the five senses: smell, sight, touch,
sound, and taste. The spa is based on all these aspects: scents, colors,
natural elements, massage, music, and refreshments. Comfort, design, and
wellness are woven into healthy spaces and rooms. Benefits: A healthy atmosphere and good indoor air quality affects the
staff and guests both physically and mentally. The ventilation and heating
system affect people’s comfort and happiness. Monitored temperature controls
saves energy. Examples: Create wellness
spaces and retreats for staff and guests. Use non-toxic products with natural scents,
keep the facility amenities on brand, and pay attention to the details. Chlorine
is not an appealing, healthy chemical—how can we reduce that? Check in with
your staff and make sure they are comfortable and the space works for them as
well. Can you add any fun touches to update the space on a regular basis?
Implementing sustainability standards as part of your brand is a positive step
to long-term success. Stay competitive and current by adding eco wellness
concepts to your services, products, purchasing, and spaces. We all know clean
water is essential to the spa and travel industry, especially taking care of
gorgeous beaches and oceans globally. Our decisions make a difference, so you
can feel good about maintaining healthy spas, which is the true definition of
an authentic spa and wellness philosophy.
About the Author
Shelley Lotz, Principal of Vios Spa Group, is a consultant, author, and
educator. Vios provides quality standards, training, and certification. Lotz
has over 30 years of experience in the spa/wellness/beauty industry as an owner,
educator, and esthetician. She wrote Green Spas and Salons: How to Make Your
Business Truly Sustainable and is a major contributing author of Milady’s Standard Esthetics
Fundamentals, a textbook for esthetician students. She founded an
institute of aesthetics, is a Certified Sustainable Building Advisor and a former Green Spa Network board member. Exploring the world
is her ideal adventure. Contact Shelley at or to find
out more. The Vios Certified Sustainable Spa, a global certification program
recognizing spas as leaders in sustainability, standards, and wellness is
launching soon at