Home Air Quality R-Zero Study Highlights Concerns, Impact of Indoor Air Quality & Health

R-Zero Study Highlights Concerns, Impact of Indoor Air Quality & Health


SALT LAKE CITY—R-Zero, a leader in healthy buildings and green buildings, unveiled the results of its new “Indoor Air Impact” report, which sheds light on the impact of indoor air quality on physical and mental health, Americans’ attitudes towards crowded indoor spaces, and workplace hygiene. The findings reveal significant concerns around indoor air quality, an underlying health issue that has long gone unaddressed.

“Not only are people demanding healthier indoor spaces, but it has become mission critical for businesses to protect their workforce while maintaining sustainability goals and creating spaces that optimize productivity,” said R-Zero CEO Jennifer Nuckles. “While we are seeing some movement through recently enhanced guidelines for air quality and ventilation, there is much more work to be done to ensure that healthy air is prioritized in every indoor space. Our updated pricing plan is making it easier to ensure equitable access to clear air, especially in under-resourced communities that typically see worse health outcomes across the board.”

Health Implications of Poor Indoor Air Quality

Almost one-half of Americans (44 percent) say their physical health is negatively impacted by being indoors for long periods of time. Additionally, more than one-half (51 percent) of Americans say their mental health is negatively impacted by being indoors for long periods of time. This effect is more prevalent among females (56 percent) compared to males (47 percent).

More than two-thirds (68 percent) of Americans believe it is important to use an air purifier in their homes, demonstrating a growing awareness of the need for clean indoor air and how consumers are taking it upon themselves to ensure clean air in their own spaces. Respondents are worried about the health implications from poor indoor air quality and have noticed multiple physical and mental health effects of being indoors for extended periods of time. Respondents reported experiencing the following symptoms: headaches, 39 percent; (this trend is more noticeable among females, 44 percent than males, 34 percent; nose or throat irritation, 33 percent; fatigue, 32 percent; decreased productivity, 25 percent; and dizziness, 18 percent.

Lingering Unease in Public Indoor Spaces

More than half (52 percent) of Americans still feel uneasy about being in crowded, indoor spaces due to the potential spread of germs. This sentiment is more pronounced among females (56 percent) compared to males (47 percent). Notably, younger generations expressed more unease than older Americans.

The survey also highlighted the locations that respondents are most concerned with having the potential to spread germs. More than half of Americans are concerned about germ spread potential in travel locations (airport, airplane, hotel): 70 percent.

Goodbye Office Lunches, Hello Healthy Indoor Air

Workplace health etiquette has become a common concern among individuals post-pandemic, and as a result, businesses are facing growing demand to prioritize the health of their office environments. Nearly three-fourths of workers (74 percent) would choose a workplace that prioritizes a healthy indoor environment over extra monthly personal stipends or free lunches.

For more information on R-Zero’s Harris Poll findings and its industry-leading disinfection solutions, visit https://rzero.com/blog/over-two-thirds-of-americans-worry-about-germs-in-indoor-spaces-unveiling-the-toll-of-unhealthy-indoor-air/.