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One Green Deed Spawns Another is a new book written by green manufacturing consultant, David Mahood. It entails his quest for sustainability and conversations with the sources of his inspiration. If you had one green deed you’d like to see heeded, adopted, and passed on, what would it be and why? The book is a compilation of the answers to that question in the context of a 20-year journey. From green architecture pioneers to green product pioneers, from natural fiber farmers to worm farmers, from Native Americans to marine biologists, the range of ideas is boundless. Call (617) 694-4157.



Via its website and weekly and monthly newsletters, GreenBiz covers top stories on environmental innovations and leadership in the business community. The publication provides easy access to a wide range of the best resources available, including case studies, cutting-edge reports, how-to guides, events and more.



greenhotelier is an online publication published in London, U.K., by the International Tourism Partnership (ITP), the tourism program of The Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum. ITP brings together the world’s leading international hotel companies to provide a voice for environmental and social responsibility in the industry. ITP demonstrates in a very practical way that environmental and social responsibility makes good business sense through working groups, publications like http://www.greenhotelier.org and practical products.



Hotel News Resource is one of the lodging industry’s leading sources for online news. News is separated into categories including regional, appointments, development, environmental, financial, sales and marketing, technology, and more. Hotel News Resource is the lodging industry’s No. 1 press release distribution vehicle for hotel companies and industry suppliers.


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