Home Sales & Marketing Print Plast Announces Launch of Wooden Hotel Key Cards

Print Plast Announces Launch of Wooden Hotel Key Cards


INTERNATIONAL REPORT—Print Plast announces the launch of its new wooden hotel key cards. The hospitality industry has traditionally relied on plastic hotel key cards, contributing to the global plastic waste problem. The new wooden hotel key cards are a game-changer, offering a sustainable alternative without compromising on functionality or design.

The wooden hotel key cards are made from sustainably sourced wood, a renewable and biodegradable material. This shift from plastic to wood is expected to significantly reduce the industry’s plastic waste. For every million traditional key cards replaced with wooden hotel key cards, Print Plast can prevent approximately five tons of plastic waste.

Moreover, wooden hotel key cards are not just environmentally friendly but also fully functional and secure. They use advanced RFID technology, ensuring a seamless and secure access experience for hotel guests. The cards are also designed to be durable and aesthetically pleasing, with the natural wood grain providing a unique and premium look.