Home Energy Management Philips Advocates Phaseout of Inefficient Lighting by 2016

Philips Advocates Phaseout of Inefficient Lighting by 2016


WASHINGTON, D.C.—A coalition of energy efficiency advocates last week announced plans for proposed legislative action for a major shift toward incorporating high-efficiency lighting technologies in home and office settings. The call-to-action was introduced by Philips Electronics, Senator Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), Congressman Don Manzullo (R.-Ill.), and the Lighting Efficiency Coalition—comprised of the Alliance to Save Energy, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Californians Against Waste, Natural Resources Defense Council and Earth Day Network.

The Philips-led coalition is advocating an industrywide initiative that would accelerate the use of existing energy-efficient lighting systems and bulbs as substitutes for less efficient products currently in widespread use. Philips is supporting the initiative by agreeing to become the first lighting manufacturer in North America to seek a phaseout of inefficient incandescent light bulbs by 2016.

“I’m thrilled that Philips, the world’s top manufacturer of light bulbs, has taken the initiative to lead by example and advocate for new energy-efficiency incentives,” said Senator Pryor. “This innovative coalition is a win-win for the environment, industry and consumers.”

The Lighting Efficiency Coalition’s proposal is to enact public policies that would provide incentives for consumers and businesses to purchase more energy-efficient products and to set technology-neutral performance standards that will phase out the least efficient products such as the 128-year-old incandescent-style lamps from the market. Legislation could include policy measures in the areas of green procurement, environmental performance targets, and financial incentives to secure participation from the leading manufacturers like Philips. This would help bring new products to the market while at the same time helping to address America’s energy and environmental challenges.

Duke Energy Adds Support

“As a utility that has made a major commitment to energy efficiency, Duke Energy congratulates Philips Lighting and its partners in the Lighting Efficiency Coalition for their ambitious yet realistic goal of transforming the lighting market to efficient products only by 2016,” said Jim Rogers, Chairman, President and CEO of Duke Energy and Co-Chair of the Alliance to Save Energy. “Encouraging our customers to use advanced products such as compact fluorescent light bulbs is a key part of our plans to meet growing demand for electricity in a way that is cost-effective for consumers and businesses.”

The Coalition supports the planned phaseout of inefficient lamps through the substitution of existing energy-efficient alternatives including: compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), energy-saving halogen lamps, and by light emitting diode (LED) lamps. By adopting the proposed call-to-action and incorporating these alternative lighting options, Americans can make a significant economic and ecologically responsible impact on the environmental footprint of North America and the rest of the world.

“A wide range of energy-efficient light bulbs are already available on the market today,” said Brian Dundon, Vice Chairman, Philips Lighting. “These bulbs are not only a better environmental choice than incandescent light bulbs, but cost far less to operate. To ensure a timely and broad adoption of energy efficient lighting, such as compact fluorescent lamps, Philips recommends that leaders of industry, government and NGOs support discussions to develop a plan to prudently phase out inefficient incandescent light bulbs.”

Philips, the pioneer of CFL technology, currently offers a broad portfolio of energy-saving, green lighting products in multiple application areas. These include a new generation of CFLs, which are far smaller, less expensive to run, and more efficient than incandescent light bulbs. Philips also recently introduced a new generation of energy-saving Halogen light bulbs, which offer 30 percent energy savings compared to incandescent bulbs. In addition, new LED lighting technologies promise even greater energy savings.

The economic and environmental benefits of energy-efficient lighting to the individual consumer and to society are substantial.

• In the United States there are approximately four billion screw-base light sockets that currently house inefficient, old-style general service incandescent lights.
• If adopted across the United States, energy-efficient lighting would save consumers and business approximately $18 billion annually on electricity bills.
• Annual energy demand for lighting would be reduced by the equivalent of what is generated by 30 nuclear power plants or up to 80 coal burning power plants.
• More than 158 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions and 5,700 pounds of air-born mercury emissions would be eliminated.

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