Home Energy Management Pentair Earns Energy Star Partner Sustained Excellence Award

Pentair Earns Energy Star Partner Sustained Excellence Award


LONDON—Pentair, a leader in helping the world sustainably move, improve, and enjoy water, announced it has received the 2024 Energy Star Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy. This is the twelfth consecutive year Pentair has received this award.

“Pentair strives to create a better world for people and the planet through smart, sustainable water solutions that improve energy and water efficiency and improve customer outcomes,” said Karla Robertson, EVP, General Counsel, Secretary and Chief Social Responsibility Officer. “We are proud to provide our customers with energy-efficient products and are extremely honored to once again receive the Energy Star Partner of the Year Award in recognition of our continued collaboration with the EPA.”

A Legacy of Energy Excellence in the Pool Industry

Pentair was the first manufacturer of pool equipment to receive Energy Star certification for its variable speed pool pumps and has been named an Energy Star Partner of the Year consecutively each year since 2013—longer than any other manufacturer in the pool industry. In 2023, Pentair offered 29 Energy Star certified pool pump models helping U.S. consumers save approximately 782 million kWh of energy, resulting in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions of 554,485 metric tons of CO2 and saving $118 million in energy costs. Since 2005, Pentair Energy Star pool pumps have been responsible for a cumulative 45 billion kWh of energy savings, 19.5 million metric tons of CO2 emissions reduction and $6.8 billion in operating cost savings for consumers.

Championing Energy Savings in the Commercial Ice Industry

Manitowoc Ice from Pentair Water Solutions, a leading provider of commercial ice makers, has been a key contributor to Energy Star Partner of the Year award winners for 15 consecutive years. With 68 Energy Star certified models, Manitowoc Ice is a trailblazer in providing energy-efficient, high-quality ice-making solutions. In 2023, Manitowoc sales of Energy Star ice makers helped customers save over 28.6 million kWh of energy, enough to provide electricity to 3,940 homes for a year, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Every year, the Energy Star program recognizes prominent companies and entities for their exceptional efforts in advancing towards a sustainable energy economy. Winners of the Energy Star awards are at the forefront of their respective sectors in promoting and crafting energy-efficient products for industrial, commercial, and residential purposes. These initiatives play a crucial role in combating the climate crisis, safeguarding public well-being, and fostering a sustainable energy landscape for all. Winners are selected from a network of thousands of Energy Star partners. For a complete list of 2024 winners and more information about Energy Star’s awards program, visit energystar.gov/awardwinners.

To learn more about Pentair’s efforts to support a more sustainable future, visit pentair.com/impact. In addition, the company’s 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility Report further highlighting how Pentair is Making Better Essential for people and the planet is planned for release this spring.