Home Cleaning & Maintenance PathoSans Launches PathoSans Direct Retail Platform

PathoSans Launches PathoSans Direct Retail Platform


GLENDALE HEIGHTS, ILL.—PathoSans Technologies announced the launch of PathoSans Direct, its retail platform for consumers and businesses to purchase electrochemically-activated (ECA) cleaning and disinfecting solutions and application equipment. PathoSans offers two ECA products made from salt, water and electricity: PathoPure is a multi-purpose cleaner/degreaser and PathoNex is a hospital-grade broad-spectrum disinfectant, virucide and food contact surface sanitizer.

“Heightened concerns around cleanliness have led to more frequent and thorough cleaning, often with caustic ingredients that can increase risks to people and the environment,” said Jim McCann, Marketing Leader of PathoSans Technologies. “ECA solutions are just as effective as conventional chemicals and provide a greater level of care because they are made from three safe ingredients. No matter how often they are used, ECA solutions protect those who clean and occupy indoor environments while limiting cleaning’s impact on indoor air quality.”

PathoPure is a non-toxic sodium hydroxide cleaner/degreaser that removes surface soils, stains, and residue build-up. The product meets Green Seal standard GS-8 based on effective performance, minimized/recyclable packaging, and protective limits on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and human and environmental toxicity.

99.9 Percent Effective Against Many Viruses & Germs

PathoNex is a hypochlorous acid, EPA registered, List N-approved disinfectant/sanitizer. It is 99.9 percent effective against many viruses and germs, including those more resilient to disinfection than SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Both solutions can be safely used without gloves or other personal protective equipment. They are non-irritating to eyes and skin, contain no added fragrance and don’t leave harsh chemical residues behind on surfaces. The drain- and disposal-safe bottled solutions are created at PathoSans’ headquarters in Illinois and ship to 50 states.

“Many facility managers and building service contractors overseeing commercial buildings have realized the clear benefits of ECA solutions for some time,” added McCann. “With this launch, we’re enabling more people to discover these effective cleaners and disinfectants so they can clean with care in their homes and small businesses.”

For more information, visit Pathosansdirect.com.