Home Cleaning & Maintenance Organic Alcohol Company Offering Safe, Effective Sanitizer Line

Organic Alcohol Company Offering Safe, Effective Sanitizer Line


ASHLAND, ORE.—The Organic Alcohol Company (OAC) has once again risen to consumer demands and is offering a new line of sanitizers that are fragrance-free and gentle on the hands using top of the line ingredients.

Many sanitizers being sold have an unpleasant odor or potentially dangerous levels of toxic chemicals. This is another reason The Organic Alcohol Company decided to create hand sanitizer with pure, pharmaceutical, and food-grade ingredients, ensuring consumers are receiving a high-quality product that is safe to use.

When The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) fast-tracked the approved production of hand sanitizers in direct response to the precautions necessitated by COVID-19, The Organic Alcohol Company went to work. They committed to making and donating hand sanitizers to local first-responders and the most vulnerable citizens. OAC also developed a line of hand sanitizers for consumers and healthcare personnel. The sanitizers are available on the OAC website.

‘Not All Sanitizers Are Created Equally’

Aaren Glover, CEO, and Founder of The Organic Alcohol Company, shares, “Not all sanitizers are created equally. That’s why we crafted our World Health Organization (WHO) recommended formula of topical sanitizing spray and hand rub. Many of the sanitizers on the market are using low-quality fuel and beverage alcohol, and these products can have an off-putting smell as well as potentially contain toxic levels of chemicals such as methanol which has already caused hospitalizations and even some fatalities. The Organic Alcohol Company blends are made with pharmaceutical, food-grade alcohol, and are FDA and Oregon Drug Board registered. It’s important to check your ingredients and make smart buying decisions that will ensure your health and safety. We are proud to extend the OAC Sanitizer Donation Initiative to our community. Every dollar spent on our affordable and safe sanitizer helps others in need, including first responders, essential businesses, and front-line workers.”

The FDA is working diligently to ensure that guidelines are followed by fuel makers and distillers to create clean and safe sanitizers.

These guidelines are necessary because many products in the market were found to be made with questionable chemicals and high impurity levels, causing offensive smells, burning skin, irritation of eyes and mucous membranes, headaches and nausea and many other adverse side effects. The FDA has recalled more than 100 hand sanitizers due to health and safety risks. The sanitizers produced by The Organic Alcohol Company are formulated in strict compliance with FDA guidance, resulting in a safe and effective topical sanitizer.

The OAC Sanitizer Donation Initiative provides sanitizer to support the health and safety of the community and organizations that are essential. The new hand rub and spray sanitizers are available for purchase at https://organicalcohol.com/alcohol-antiseptic-topical-solution.