Home News & Features One Man’s Garbage is Another Man’s Vintage at San Francisco Marriott

One Man’s Garbage is Another Man’s Vintage at San Francisco Marriott


SAN FRANCISCO—From the hotel’s subterranean compactor, to the sun-kissed vineyards of Napa and Sonoma, to the elegant tables of the hotel’s lounges, the San Francisco Marriott is helping complete the recycling loop by offering a one-of-a-kind “trashy” wine list in its View Lounge and Atrium Bar.

The San Francisco Marriott initiated its award-winning compost program in 2003 and currently collects and compacts over a half-million pounds of its food scraps a year, enough to fill the lobby from floor to ceiling. The San Francisco Marriott and local recycler Golden Gate Disposal see food scraps as a resource, a way people in the city can return nutrients to farms and vineyards.

The compacted scraps are taken to Jepson Prairie Organics, a modern compost facility outside Vacaville, Calif., where they are converted to nutrient-rich soil amendment called Four Course Compost. Working with local vintners who use Four Course, the San Francisco Marriott has assembled a selection of premium wines at reasonable prices for guests who have an altruistic passion for the environment, or anyone who enjoys a nice robust red or a crisp white.

“This is a fun approach for our guests to experience excellent wines, support regional vineyards and help the environment by completing the recycling circle,” says David Behar, director of food and beverage, San Francisco Marriott. “Marriott has a long-standing commitment to the environment, and this is a unique way to include our guests.”

Select labels are available at the View Lounge on the 39th floor and Atrium Bar and include Luna’s Pinot Grigio, Bouchaine’s Chardonnay, Saintsbury’s Pinto Noir, Field Stone’s Merlot and B.R. Cohn Silver Label’s Cabernet.

The San Francisco Marriott, located on 55 Fourth Street at the corner of 4th and Mission, has been recognized for its industry leading program as the winner of the 2004 and 2006 Commercial Recycler of the Year (CORY) Award.

For more information, go to San Francisco Marriott.