Home Cleaning & Maintenance NCL Products Achieve Green Seal GS-37 Recertification

NCL Products Achieve Green Seal GS-37 Recertification


PHILADELPHIA—National Chemical Laboratories, Inc. (NCL) announced that its EARTH SENSE Industrial and Institutional Cleaning Products have achieved Recertification status under the Green Seal GS-37 (2009) Standard (5th Edition).

According to Bill Smith, NCL vice president of marketing, “This recertification of our EARTH SENSE products to the GS-37 (2009) Standard underscores NCL’s commitment to promoting healthy, green cleaning at schools, office buildings and other facilities. NCL is proud of our past accomplishments in producing high performance, environmentally-conscious formulations, and is excited about our future involvement with Green Seal, Inc. and other organizations in creating new, sustainable product solutions with improved profiles for human health compared with traditional cleaning products.”

Included in this recertification are EARTH SENSE #16 pH Neutral All Purpose Cleaner, EARTH SENSE #18 Multi-Surface Cleaner with H2O2, EARTH SENSE #19 Glass & Window Cleaner, EARTH SENSE #20 Washroom Cleaner, and EARTH SENSE #35 Degreaser Cleaner. As a requirement for this recertification, the products have undergone a rigorous evaluation for reducing impact on the environment and on human health.

For more information on the EARTH SENSE Product System, go to www.nclonline.com.