Home Cleaning & Maintenance Metolius Introduces Gray Out, Non-Skid Surface Cleaner

Metolius Introduces Gray Out, Non-Skid Surface Cleaner


NATIONAL REPORT—Metolius One Distributing introduces its Gray Out, Non-Skid Surface Cleaner, a new product designed for the problem of discolored non-skid surfaces of bathtubs and showers. This patent approved new product cleans without any abrasives, works on any surface, and is 100 percent organic, biodegradable and nontoxic.

According to Metolius, tubs and showers gray because minute deposits work like seed crystals and promote more and more accumulations, which polymerize. The gray color actually comes from small amounts of dirt and skin-flakes, entrapped as the oils polymerize. Polymerization is a result of the oils’ exposure to the oxygen in simple air; it is also accelerated by exposure to chlorine or oxygenated bleaches (or cleaners with these bleaches added) and/or acids. The very cleaners used most commonly to clean the units actually add to the problem.

Gray Out, Non-Skid Surface Cleaner is a unique, patented product that is smart enough to dissolve the polymerized “gray-out” without harming the original surface or coating of fiberglass or acrylic units. As it is not corrosive, it is safe for marble and stone units. The longer the Gray Out, Non-Skid Surface Cleaner sits on the area, the better the removal of the soils. Second applications may be required where accumulations have heavily built up over time. Establishing a once-a-week ritual with Gray Out, Non-Skid Surface Cleaner will eliminate the occurrence of gray-out.

E-mail metolius1@gmail.com for more information.