Home Sales & Marketing MeetGreen Releases Updated Meeting Benchmarking Calculator

MeetGreen Releases Updated Meeting Benchmarking Calculator


PORTLAND, ORE.—MeetGreen announces the release of their updated calculator. In response to advancements in sustainable meetings practices such as the release of APEX/ASTM Green Meetings and Events Standards, British Standard for Sustainable Events, and increased awareness of social responsibility and community engagement, MeetGreen has launched an updated version of what was already a robust benchmarking calculator.

MeetGreen has advanced the calculator to incorporate a higher level of sophistication to meet the industry’s desire to benchmark their efforts. The MeetGreen Calculator was originally released in 2007. Developed by MeetGreen and reviewed by a technical advisory committee comprised of individuals with extensive and varied backgrounds in environmental and sustainability industries, the calculator integrates the APEX/ASTM Green Meetings and Events Standards and the British Standard for Sustainable Events
to assess more than 160 event management practices and measurable outcomes related to sustainability across 10 key categories.

The MeetGreen Calculator is intended to be used in conjunction with the MeetGreen Method which simplifies the process of creating measurable green meetings by breaking it down into four basic steps: Enroll, Commit, Assess, Expand. The value of the tool is amplified when used in conjunction with the MeetGreen Resource Kit, which is filled with helpful forms, checklists, minimum guidelines and contract language to use with the vendors one works with.

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