Home Waste Management MATTRESS RECYCLING



Since 2011, The Mustard Seed Recycle program has deconstructed more than 120,000 mattresses, saving more than 720,000 cubic yards of landfill space, reducing dump expenses and protecting our environment. This recycling produced bales of toppers, foam, shredable metal and mulched wood generating income to fund the furniture and clothing program. The Mustard Seed is the only furniture and clothing bank in Central Florida. Call (407) 875-2040, ext. 113 to get a quote for recycling your mattresses and box springs.



The Mattress Recycling Council (MRC) is a nonprofit organization that operates recycling programs in states that have passed mattress recycling laws: California, Connecticut and Rhode Island. MRC was founded by the bedding industry and recycles nearly 2 million mattresses each year. To inform residents and businesses about the availability and importance of mattress recycling, MRC created a public education campaign branded Bye Bye Mattress. For more information about MRC, go to MattressRecyclingCouncil.org, or call 1-855-229-1691. MRC offers bulk pickup to hotels when they switch out mattresses, call for details.