There’s been a lot of talk over the years about guestroom cleanliness—in the media especially and most recently in the media in Canada. For a reporter, it seems like doing an exposé on poor hygiene in hotels is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.
Last year, Best Western introduced its “I Care Clean” program that utilizes UV wands and black lights to ensure guestroom cleanliness. I wrote about that program in a previous column. Best Western’s approach is just one example of a brand being big-time proactive about hygiene.
This past week I posted an article about the use of spray-on invisible coatings as an approach to addressing cleanliness in a hotel—especially in hotel guestrooms. I had long been aware of PURE Solutions using a PURE Shield treatment as part of its seven-step PURE Room process and I recently became aware of two other companies that do something similar—New Air Technologies with its Active Safeguard and Cleancoating LLC with its XTI-360 Active-Shield Nanocoating.
While PURE Solutions uses ingredients in its treatment that are too long to mention here, the two other companies use a solution that includes a small amount of titanium dioxide and mostly water. Each company sprays just about every part of a room using an electrostatic sprayer. The solution using titanium dioxide relies on light to activate it while that used by PURE Solutions does not.
For Travelers with Breathing Complications, Sensitivities
The upside to having surfaces treated is to create an ever-present barrier that actively eliminates odor and kills viruses, bacteria and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) while preventing the formation of mold and mildew. The coatings can also help extend the life of fixtures such as curtains and carpeting and help improve indoor air quality. Travelers with asthma or some type of chemical sensitivity are increasingly seeking out rooms specially prepared to meet their needs.
According to the suppliers I spoke with who use titanium dioxide in their products, treated surfaces are easier to clean and in some cases can just be cleaned with water. Of course this means lower costs and less use of chemicals.
Smoking rooms, or nonsmoking rooms violated by smokers, are prime candidates for these types of treatments. One can also market treated rooms (perhaps an entire floor), as offering a more healthy guest experience.
The surface treatments I mentioned can only be applied by a professional at this time. Be sure to check with each vendor about the staying power of their treatments.
If your property has undergone a treatment similar to those described above, I would love to learn about it. I can be reached at, or by phone at (216) 848-1406.
High Sierra Showerheads Video Added to Vendor Videos
Green Lodging News has added a High Sierra Showerheads video to its Vendor Videos section. The video highlights the environmental and business benefits to using the High Sierra Shower Head. The 1.5 gallon per minute showerhead saves on water and water heating costs and with its patented nozzle technology will not clog. It is made in the United States from solid metal, with an ABS splash guard that is well suited to shower-over-bath installations. Tens of thousands of these showerheads are saving water, energy, and money in hotels across the country. Click here to access the video. For more information, e-mail, call (888) 445-1941, or go to
Who is Your Sustainability Champion?
Green Lodging News is always looking to profile sustainability champions in our Personnel Profile section. If you would like to nominate someone for this section of Green Lodging News, contact me at (216) 848-1406, or by e-mail at
Looking for Guest Columnists
Every two weeks Green Lodging News posts a new guest column on its website. (Click here for examples.) The guest column also appears in the weekly e-newsletter. Green Lodging News is currently in need of industry experts to contribute occasional guest columns. Experts may include consultants, architects, designers, suppliers and those who own or operate green lodging establishments. Columns may be articles that take a stance on a particular subject or be strictly educational in nature. Columnists benefit by having their photo included along with a one paragraph description of their company. Interested in writing a column? Contact Glenn Hasek, publisher and editor, at (216) 848-1406, or by e-mail at
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Green Lodging News is accepting reservations for advertising spots for 2013. Many excellent spots are available on the website and in the weekly e-mail newsletter. Many Green Supplier Spotlight dates are also available. Interested in receiving a 2013 media kit? Be sure to contact me as soon as possible at (216) 848-1406, or by e-mail at A media kit can also be accessed by clicking here. Thank you to all of those companies that consistently support Green Lodging News.
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