Home Air Quality Hyatt Carmel Opts for HearthCAT for Fireplace Emissions Control

Hyatt Carmel Opts for HearthCAT for Fireplace Emissions Control


CARMEL, CALIF.—The Hyatt Resort in Carmel, Calif., has taken a dramatic step to improve the air quality along the world famous Big Sur coastline. In addition to providing scenic views, the Hyatt Carmel Highlands in Big Sur has always provided a real wood burning fireplace in each and every room. Although these fireplaces create heat and ambiance, they also create significant air pollution, burning a total of 100 cords of wood per year. The Hyatt wanted to continue to provide an enjoyable wood burning fireplace experience for their guests but they also wanted to do it in a responsible way. The search for a solution began.

After extensive research, Hyatt discovered the HearthCAT, an EPA Qualified catalytic technology. After a successful 12 month evaluation, Hyatt installed the HearthCAT technology in 100 wood burning fireplaces at their Carmel Resort. The HearthCAT is recommended by EPA for eliminating harmful wood smoke emissions. It will also double the heating efficiency of the fireplace.

The HearthCAT Emission Control Technology is a patented catalytic system designed and developed especially for wood burning fireplaces. The HearthCAT was awarded the EPA Clean Air Excellence Award for new technology. The device is positioned directly above the fireplace grate and is mechanically attached to the walls of the firebox. The HearthCAT Hood captures the smoke and particulates while most of the added combustion air bypasses the hood and travels up the primary flue system. The HearthCAT System provides secondary ignition for the wood smoke before it leaves the firebox as harmful pollution. The direct flame on the catalytic surface actually cleans the catalytic system. The HearthCAT is the only passive technology available for reducing fireplace emissions and improving fireplace heating efficiency. It doesn’t require any power or maintenance and is completely invisible to the user.

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