Home Energy Management Holiday Inn and Suites in Madison, Wisc. Turns to Entergize to Trim...

Holiday Inn and Suites in Madison, Wisc. Turns to Entergize to Trim Energy Costs


MADISON, WISC.—By implementing a guestroom energy management system called Entergize from DBS Lodging Technologies, the Holiday Inn and Suites in Madison, Wisc. is saving more than $17,000 a year in energy costs. Entergize is installed in 157 guestrooms at the hotel. In addition to managing heating and cooling, the controls also work with the master entry switch to activate lighting.

Holiday Inn and Suites partnered with Focus on Energy’s Business Programs to implement the new energy efficient technology. Wisconsin’s energy efficiency and renewable energy initiative offered incentives that helped offset project costs. The project came about when Wisco Hotels (Madison Holiday Inn & Suite’s parent company) vice president Todd Winkler visited the Entergize booth at the Wisconsin Innkeepers trade show.

After discussing the property needs and the functions of the system, Entergize agreed to provide a no-charge demonstration installation at the hotel. The goal of the demonstration installation was to allow general manager David Phaneuf to verify the equipment’s performance. He saw positive results so the Holiday Inn and Suites permanently installed the equipment.

“Energy costs represent a large operating expenditure in our industry,” Phaneuf says. “By installing these controls, we were able to lower our hotel’s energy costs, positively impacting our operating profit margins. We are currently looking at guestroom energy management controls at all Wisco properties.”

How Entergize Works

When a guest leaves a room, the controls send a signal to the thermostat that relaxes the HVAC system to a predetermined, unoccupied set point. When the guest returns, the system readjusts to meet guest comfort requirements. Guests control the temperature when they are in the room.

“Lodging facilities use energy to operate lights, swimming pools and business centers,” says Matthew Matenaer, an energy advisor with Focus on Energy. “When it comes down to it though, 40 percent to 80 percent of a hotel’s energy costs result from heating and cooling guestrooms. It’s an important cost control area that can be maintained by using guestroom energy management controls.”

Go to Entergize or Focus on Energy.