Home Kitchen & Laundry Hobart’s WastePro System Reduces Waste, Water Costs

Hobart’s WastePro System Reduces Waste, Water Costs


CHICAGO—Hobart introduces its WastePro System that can result in savings of up to 88 percent on waste volume for foodservice operations while cutting water costs, improving employee productivity, improving sanitary conditions and reducing the waste impact on landfills.

Foodservice operations are constantly evaluating ways to better manage their costs and improve productivity, according to a recent Technomic Inc. study commissioned by Hobart. The WastePro systems from Hobart, which include engineered systems and self-contained systems, address these issues for dishroom operations in many ways, and offer a payback on investment.

“Hobart WastePro systems help our customers save money by lowering operating and maintenance costs, using two-thirds less water than a disposer, reducing the number of garbage can liners and reducing silverware loss,” says Kurt Wacker, product line director, Hobart Warewash.

Hobart WastePro systems enable operators to scrap food and paper waste into the pulper trough or feed hood tray. Water flowing through the system transports the slurry to a water press. It emerges as semi-dry pulp that is chemically treated to reduce odor and pest infiltration. The result: a reduction in waste volume—and volume-based hauling costs—by more than eight to one.

System Can Be Customized

The systems handle all foodservice waste including food waste, paper, cardboard, milk cartons, straws, napkins, polystyrene ware, aluminum foil and Styrofoam. An engineered system, essentially a garbage transportation system, can be designed with the pulper close to the scrapping area and the water press remotely located close to the dumpster to further reduce the number of trips required to move the pulp. The chute can discharge right into the dumpster.

For employees it means eliminating the need to secure and dispose of garbage, raising productivity and morale. An additional benefit is the improvement in security by eliminating the need for employees to carry trash out the door to a dumpster. Kitchen sanitation is improved by eliminating garbage receptacles in the kitchen, and reducing the need for plumber and exterminator visits caused by improper waste management.

Processing up to 1,250 pounds an hour in the close coupled units and up to 3,000 pounds an hour in the remote system measurably reduces hauling costs and labor costs. Finally, Hobart WastePro equipment helps operations to stay ahead of government regulations concerning waste disposal.

Measurable savings of the Hobart WastePro include:

• Water savings of up to 66 percent compared to using a disposer;
• 95 percent of water reuse from closed-loop design;
• 80 percent savings on garbage can plastic liners;
• Optional silver saver trough magnet can save up to 60 percent in silverware replacement;
• Minimizes or eliminates clogged waste lines because far fewer solids flow into the sanitary sewer.

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