Home Guest Columns

Guest Columns

Green Lodging News provides a forum for anyone in the lodging industry to offer their take on a particular topic. All are welcome to participate. Submissions should be approximately 700 to 1,200 words and should include a photo of the writer. Authors can include a paragraph about themselves and their company at the end of the article. Contact Glenn Hasek, editor, at (813) 510-3868, or by e-mail at: greenlodgingnews@gmail.com.

Guest Columns

Home Guest Columns
Green Lodging News provides a forum for anyone in the lodging industry to offer their take on a particular topic. All are welcome to participate. Submissions should be approximately 700 to 1,200 words and should include a photo of the writer. Authors can include a paragraph about themselves and their company at the end of the article. Contact Glenn Hasek, editor, at (813) 510-3868, or by e-mail at: greenlodgingnews@gmail.com.

Choosing the Best Sustainability Software for Your Organization

Sustainability software is a valuable tool for organizations of all sizes to track, manage, and report on their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. A sustainability software solution can help you to: Identify and assess your sustainability risks. Set and track sustainability goals. Perform scenario analysis to assess the impact of different sustainability strategies on your organization. Allocate resources to achieve your sustainability goals. Important ESG Software Criteria When choosing a sustainability software solution for your organization, several important factors must be considered.    Technical Criteria: Find software that is user-friendly and easy to navigate, even for team members with limited technical...

AI-Powered Water Management Empowers Hospitality Industry to Reduce Water Waste & Cut Carbon Emissions

Water consumption is a significant but often overlooked source of global carbon emissions. Large amounts of energy are required to treat and transport clean, safe water—an essential but limited, scarce resource. In the United States alone, water treatment and delivery accounts for 13 percent of the country’s total electricity consumption, releasing up to 290 million metric tons of carbon every year—approximately 5 percent of total U.S. emissions and equal to the carbon output of more than 60 coal-fired power plants. In California alone, water-related consumption of electricity, natural gas, and diesel fuel results in carbon emissions equal to 7 million passenger...

Why Is ESG Important? Navigating Challenges, Embracing Sustainability

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues are increasingly prominent in the decision-making processes of investors, consumers, and employees. With societal and environmental issues at the top of the global agenda, the ESG movement has surged in popularity and more people than ever before are considering the wider implications of their choices. However, the rise of ESG issues in the minds of investors and consumers has not been unchallenged. Last year, the backlash against ESG reached fever pitch when Tesla was removed from the S&P 500 ESG Index. It was cut from the indices over concerns about employer safety and worker...

Using Sustainability as a Key Driver in Your Customer Retention Strategy

In the dynamic hospitality landscape, the overlap of sustainability and profitability brings a paradigm of consideration. It’s not just about shrinking carbon footprints; it’s also about broadening the horizons for revenue and loyalty. The quest to be green is now a golden key to customer retention, answering the call of the conscious traveler and carving out a market niche that marries ethical stewardship with business savvy. We know that traveler demand is growing and according to Booking.com’s 2023 report, the commitment to answering the demand is on the rise: “over 400,000 travel partners have earned a Travel Sustainable Badge, with...

Hotel Havens: A Guide to Pool & Spa Safety

Many people look forward to dreamy hotel pools and spas to destress and relax while on vacation. In the winter, hot tubs and spas can be a great attractor for guests looking for a chilly weather escape; however, they can also be a risk to visitors and pool and spa managers if not properly handled. These much-beloved amenities can be breeding grounds for bacteria like E. coli, giardia, and algae, making using pool and spa chemicals, including salt, imperative. If these chemicals are mishandled, they can cause respiratory problems, chemical burns, and eye irritation. Managers of these amenities must be...

Global Warming is Disrupting the Hotel Industry

Global warming is having a worrying effect on hospitality and the entire travel industry. Climate change is not only impacting where we stay, but where and when we travel. We see those signs every day, as friends, work colleagues or relatives are forced to change their travel plans—and where to stay—due to our changing weather conditions. Be it flooding in Florida, extreme heat in Europe, wildfire smoke in California’s wine country or air pollution in India and China. The warning indications from climate change are inescapable. Some of today’s popular tourist destinations are becoming intolerable due to highly unusual heat waves. September 2023,...

The Many Advantages to Maintaining Solar Panels

If you own a building, be it a hotel or the site of another business, chances are you’ve toyed with the idea of reducing your energy costs by installing solar panels. Maybe you’ve already taken this step. This strategy makes a lot of sense, as solar energy is more cost-effective than the conventional power grid, allowing you to start saving money from the very first gas bill after installation. Since solar systems pay for themselves after only a few years, yet have very long lives, they keep money in your pocket for each additional year. Solar energy also has the advantage...

Driving Change: How NEVI Funding Reshapes Hospitality with EV Charging Stations

The future of transportation is undoubtedly electric, and the United States is on the verge of an EV revolution. Investments by the government in publicly accessible EV charging stations are critical to bringing in this shift. The recently announced National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) funding gives state and local governments a powerful weapon for shaping the landscape of the U.S. EV charging infrastructure. The implications of this funding reach far and wide, impacting various industries, including hospitality. Hospitality owners and managers play a vital role in accommodating the growing number of EV owners, and by understanding what NEVI funding means...

Harnessing Social Media Trends for Sustainable Hospitality: Innovative Approaches

The hospitality industry has experienced a significant transformation with the rise of social media. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have revolutionized how businesses connect with consumers. Simultaneously, sustainability has emerged as a crucial aspect of the hospitality sector, driven by increasing environmental concerns and consumer demands. In this context, harnessing social media trends can drive innovative approaches for sustainable hospitality. This article explores the impact of social media on the industry, the importance of sustainability, case studies highlighting innovative approaches, strategies for leveraging social media trends, and the challenges and potential pitfalls involved. Understanding Social Media Trends Social media trends...

Food Waste Management: Innovative Solutions for Hospitality

In recent years, food waste management has become one of the most critical topics in the hospitality industry. Whether it’s to cut costs or reduce environmental impact, food waste has become relevant, not only for hoteliers and people in management, but for the average guest as well. On the surface, food waste management sounds like it should be an easy problem to address. Hoteliers have already begun to tackle the issue with farm-to-table programs and projects like Second Harvest, but do these efforts make a difference? The phenomenon of food waste can be approached with two distinct strategies: food waste prevention,...