I have a confession to make. When planning the editorial direction for Green Lodging News, I consulted with just a few people. Yes, they were industry experts, especially in regard to environmental trends, but I did not send out a survey to thousands of hoteliers to ask them what issues they would like to see covered in an environment-focused publication. I relied a lot on my own gut instinct after observing the industry for more than 12 years. To be honest, I don’t think Green Lodging News is too off track but it is time to ask for your input.
So, how is Green Lodging News doing so far? I would like to know what you like or don’t like about my new publication. What topics would you like to see covered that have not been covered? What additional features or topic areas would you like to see on the website or in the newsletter?
I have received several requests for the addition of RSS feeds. Is that something you would utilize? To make Green Lodging News more interactive, I intend to add a blog page soon. Will you participate in it? I believe it will be a great place to share ideas about products and trends. What else is Green Lodging News missing? Please send me an e-mail at editor@greenlodgingnews.com, or give me a call at (440) 243-2055. I welcome your ideas.
Reader Interest On the Rise
In the first four months of publication, interest in Green Lodging News has grown significantly. Back in August, the first full month of publication, the Green Lodging News website experienced 12,000 page views. This month that number should exceed 18,000. Green Lodging News already draws more visitors to its site than one other leading lodging publication that has been around for years. Green Lodging News should soon pass a second one in site traffic.
Why do visitor numbers and site traffic matter? The greater the number of visitors and page views, the greater the likelihood that industry vendors will support this endeavor with their advertising dollars. Unlike every other lodging industry publication in the marketplace, Green Lodging News does not have the backing of a corporation or association to support it. That is why it is critical that Green Lodging News continue to receive the support of industry vendors.
When you read my newsletter or visit my website, please be sure to pay attention to the companies that are supporting this effort. Call them to let them know you saw their display ads and support them with your business. Visit the Green Product Directory. The potential for the success of a green lodging effort like this is enormous but it will only work if vendor/hotelier communication occurs.
To those vendors who are still taking a wait and see approach to Green Lodging News, I guarantee that I am in this for the long haul and your investment will be worthwhile. Green Lodging News reaches thousands of important decision makers who are eager to discover new products and technologies to help them reduce resource consumption and costs. No other industry publication offers this type of unique audience.
Thank you to all of those companies and readers who have supported this effort so far. I look forward to working with you in the future. With your ongoing assistance, this publication will continue to make a difference for our industry and the environment.
As always, I can be reached at editor@greenlodgingnews.com, or by calling (440) 243-2055. I look forward to hearing from you.