MATLACHA, FLA.—The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced the addition of the Bridge Water Inn to its Florida Green Lodging Program. The voluntary state initiative provides the lodging industry with technical assistance, encouraging hotels and motels to adopt cost-saving green practices that reduce waste and conserve natural resources.
“More than 60 percent of the average hotel’s solid waste is recyclable,” says Colleen M. Castille, DEP secretary. “By implementing reuse programs and conserving resources, the Bridge Water Inn is reinforcing its commitment to preserving Florida’s environment.”
The Bridge Water Inn conserves water and energy through linen and towel reuse services, and uses sensors and compact florescent bulbs for all outdoor lighting. The facility reduces solid waste by providing guests with washable cloths in place of paper towels and recycling aluminum, cardboard, paper, plastic, glass and toner cartridges. In addition, the inn landscapes with planters made of salvaged tires and recycles building repair materials.
Launched in March 2004, the Florida Green Lodging Program establishes environmental guidelines for hotels and motels to conserve natural resources and prevent pollution. As reward for designation, Florida is recommending Green Lodges to companies and trade organizations seeking environmentally conscious lodging and convention facilities. With the addition of the Bridge Water Inn, the program has 19 hotels certified, with 18 in the process of becoming certified.
For more information about the Florida Green Lodging Certification program or to locate a Florida Green Lodge, visit