Home Vendor News evolvetogether Announces Collaboration with goop

evolvetogether Announces Collaboration with goop


LOS ANGELES—evolvetogether, the luxury, clean personal care brand that blends beautiful design, high-performing formulas, and fine fragrances into thoughtfully made products, announced a collaboration with goop, the wellness brand founded by Gwyneth Paltrow, who is also an advisor to and equity holder in evolvetogether. The collaboration features a first-of-its-kind exfoliating bar soap that meets goop’s clean-certified standards and comes wrapped in paper made out of materials like wood pulp that disappears under running water in seconds, leaving no trace.

This partnership began with a call to action to address the overuse and waste of hotel amenities, particularly soap, the most used and highest-waste personal care product. With hotels discarding 2.6 million bars of soap daily, there is a pressing need for a luxury alternative that meets the expectations of discerning guests and supports the health of our planet. After two years of development, the brands have perfected a travel-size exfoliating bar soap with completely dissolvable packaging, featuring a high-performing clean formula and fine fragrance that enhances the guest experience and leaves skin supple. evolvetogether and goop share a vision for creating elevated personal care products with clean formulas that are kind to both people and the planet, setting a new standard for luxury personal care.

“We are thrilled to share this labor of love in partnership with goop. We’re not just offering an alternative; we’re establishing a new standard for people- and planet-friendly personal care products. By blending beautiful design, effective performance, and responsible luxury, we’re taking our first significant step toward making a positive impact in the hospitality space—one soap at a time,” says Cynthia Sakai, founder and CEO of evolvetogether. “This low-to-zero-waste bar soap shows how luxury and responsibility can coexist in personal care. Knowing that Gwyneth shares similar values, it made perfect sense for us to collaborate for a good cause to create a product kind to people and our shared planet.”

Made with a plant-powered, antioxidant-rich formula, this exfoliating bar soap leaves skin feeling restored and revitalized. It’s proven to perform with clean, hard-working ingredients, including fine coconut shell powder for a gentle, non-stripping cleanse, shea and murumuru butters and olive oil for moisturization, and licorice root for skin barrier support. It’s effective yet gentle enough to lather up and cleanse with every day. It is available in evolvetogether’s signature spicy wood fine fragrance, havana (head notes — cardamom; heart notes — vetiver, violet; base notes — cedarwood).

“At goop, we are constantly looking for ways to elevate the every day,” says Gwyneth Paltrow, Founder and CEO of goop. “For this evolvetogether collaboration, Cynthia and I took the idea of a bar soap and made it covetable, giftable, and luxurious, both for consumers and the environment. Housed in a first-of-its-kind biodegradable and dissolvable packaging, this product aims to reduce the environmental impact, especially when traveling. We loved the idea of making it a travel-friendly gift set, something you could feel wonderful about giving to others or even yourself.”

Consumers can now shop the products until inventory is sold out on goop.com, various goop retail stores, and at evolvetogether.com.