Home Energy Management ECS Launches New Website for Demand Response Programs

ECS Launches New Website for Demand Response Programs


BUFFALO—Energy Curtailment Specialists, Inc. (ECS), the largest privately held demand response provider in the country, has announced the launch of its new website. ECS’ new site links together individual market sites, making it easier to navigate and inform the public of ECS’ PowerPay! Demand Response programs in each territory of the United States and Canada. The site will also feature case studies, tips for reducing electric use during reduction events and more opportunities to request information or contact with ECS for conference calls or meetings—additions that were not available on the previous site.

“Updating our website is something we have been working on for the past several months,” said Glen Smith, president, CEO and co-founder of ECS. “It is simple and user-friendly for our visitors and we are extremely pleased with the outcome.”

ECS’ prospective customers include end-user facilities in the commercial and industrial sector as well as utilities directly. Demand response is the action of reducing electricity during times of peak demand to help relieve stress from the grid. With ECS’ new website, understanding and participating in their demand response programs will be much easier.

Go to www.ecsgrid.com.