Home Green Design Durat USA Introduces the B.lue Collection

Durat USA Introduces the B.lue Collection

Photo: Richard Barlow Photography

RALEIGH, N.C.—Durat USA and CaraGreen, the trusted source for healthier building materials, announced a new color series of Durat Solid Surface, the B.lue Collection (pronounced: Be-Lou). It is a follow up to the well-received release of its pink counterpart, the B.lush collection. The new shades are all blue. Durat’s popular solid surface sheets are made with up to 28 percent recycled plastics and can be installed seamlessly for neat and clean horizontal or vertical surfaces.

Durat is already offered in three different collections with over 120 color variations. Standard Durat colors have a solid base with speckles created by clear, white, black or rainbow recycled plastic aggregate. Solid Durat colors have no aggregate, and the Palace collection includes specially curated combinations of colors and aggregate creating more of a terrazzo look. The new series adds five shades with blue bases and clear, black, and white, or rainbow-colored speckles.

CaraGreen, as distribution, marketing and sales partner for Durat representing the company in North America, will manufacture the new products in their Georgia facility. Samples are available through CaraGreen, Material Bank, and Swatchbox.

Contact CaraGreen for a quote or more information.