Home News & Features Delaware North Develops Green Supplier Guide for Associates

Delaware North Develops Green Supplier Guide for Associates


FRESNO, CALIF.—Furthering its commitment to responsible resource management, Delaware North Companies has recently developed a Green Order Guide to assist associates in identifying environmentally friendly products available through various suppliers. The new guide is designed to help associates find the most earth-friendly products available. It also educates associates by listing what makes the item environmentally safe.

“We’re just in the initial stages of this project, but it’s something we’re already very proud of,” says John Huey, director of sustainability and environmental affairs for Delaware North Companies Parks & Resorts. “Not only are we helping our associates make environmentally responsible decisions today and tomorrow, but we’re also educating them to make those same decisions for the rest of their lives.”

The current order guide developed out of a reference document for associates at Yosemite National Park who needed to order disposables for green conferences and other group events. The project has grown dramatically since then and has garnered support from Delaware North’s internationally recognized system of environmental management called GreenPath.

The database lists the products available, the suppliers’ names and the features that make the item environmentally friendly. The project currently features such items as bathroom tissues, napkins, paper towels and biodegradable food containers.

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