With just two columns remaining in 2011, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a very safe, healthy and happy holiday season. This was a big year for my family as many of you know with the addition of our son Benjamin in August. He is doing great and, as they say, “growing like a weed.” That is Benjamin at the top of this column. Only 21 more years until he takes over as publisher and editor.
Thank you for reading Green Lodging News this year. Your readership loyalty is one of the reasons Green Lodging News has had another successful year. In addition to your help, I have been fortunate to also have the occasional assistance of my website designer, Jesse Ewanko, and the frequent assistance of Brenda White who helps with circulation work.
Thank you especially to those industry suppliers who support Green Lodging News with their advertising dollars. The list of those companies is too long to include here but you can see the companies throughout the year on the Green Lodging News website, newsletter and weekly Green Supplier Spotlight. Without their support there would be no Green Lodging News. When you contact those vendors that advertise in Green Lodging News, be sure to tell them Green Lodging News is where you discovered them.
Growth Continued in 2011
For those of you interested in statistics, the Green Lodging News e-newsletter and Supplier Spotlight now reaches 3,219. That number grows daily. The website last month attracted 22,722 unique visitors, 104,896 total visits and generated 440,691 page views. Google ranks the Green Lodging News website a strong “6,” which is tied for tops among all online lodging industry publications. Along with our industry’s interest in green lodging, Green Lodging News has grown significantly since it was launched in July 2006. Please be sure to tell your colleagues to sign up for the newsletter and Supplier Spotlight in the “subscribe” box on the Green Lodging News home page.
This year, social networking continued to be a growing component of Green Lodging News with 1,040 Twitter followers and 154 Facebook followers. Be sure to follow my tweets and Facebook postings. I also add to my blog twice each week. Also this year, Green Lodging News added a Renewable Energy All Stars section—a list of properties with solar, wind and geothermal installations. I frequently add to that list. I also expanded our “More Cool Videos” section; it now includes 40 videos. If you are aware of videos that should be included in this section, let me know. Be sure to watch for additional website sections in 2011.
Green Lodging News relies on editorial contributions from industry experts. If you would like to contribute an educational article or guest column in 2012, be sure to contact me at (440) 243-2055, or by e-mail at editor@greenlodgingnews.com. And, if you have any suggestions on how to improve Green Lodging News, please let me know.
The coming year is bound to be an exciting one for green lodging with the economic recovery building momentum, more building projects being announced, and more green products and technologies maturing or being introduced. Be sure to return again and again to Green Lodging News for the latest news on these developments.
Once again, happy holidays from Green Lodging News!
Planning Advertising for 2012?
Green Lodging News is accepting reservations for advertising spots for 2012. Many excellent spots are available on the website and in the weekly e-mail newsletter. Many Green Supplier Spotlight dates are also available. Interested in receiving a 2012 media kit? Be sure to contact me as soon as possible at (440) 243-2055, or by e-mail at editor@greenlodgingnews.com. A media kit can also be accessed by clicking here. Thank you to all of those companies that consistently support Green Lodging News.
As always, I can be reached at editor@greenlodgingnews.com.