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An Alternative to Traditional Bottled Water for Hotels & Restaurants


What is the first thought some decision-makers have when approached about a green initiative or product for their hotel or restaurant? Higher costs of course. Every so often though, green initiatives or products turn out to be great for the bottom line because they are replacing older or more inefficient products or services. Phasing out traditional bottled water in favor of a greener alternative happens to be one of those instances when a restaurant or hotel can become more sustainable and increase their profits at the same time.

Traditional bottled water is costly for exactly the same reasons it is environmentally destructive. Here’s why: Every liter of bottled water that lands on your customer’s table requires energy and fuel to manufacture the bottle, bottle the water, package the bottle, and ship the bottle. All these costs not only drive the cost of each bottle up, but also greatly impact the carbon footprint of bottled water. In fact, more than thirty-eight thousand 18 wheel trucks are used to distribute bottled water each week, resulting in millions of gallons of fuel being used annually. Those fuel costs mean your establishment’s carbon footprint goes up, along with the money you pay on shipping each year. Is there any wonder that bottled water has hidden costs attached to it?

All of those costs—both environmentally and fiscally—affect the hospitality industry on the front end. But what about the back end? What happens after your guests are finished drinking their bottles of still or sparkling water? Oftentimes, those bottles end up in landfills, which is environmentally destructive in the worst possible way. Thankfully, many restaurants and hotels try to recycle the bottles. Recycling is great in theory, but it costs both money and your employee’s time to effectively recycle every bottle of water consumed by your guests. Let’s also not forget the additional fuel cost associated with trucking the bottles to a recycling plant.

A Sustainable Alternative is Available

For many decision makers in the hospitality industry, the desire to offer their guests premium, great tasting beverages is why they spend as much as they do on bottled water. But what if there was a way to offer your guests premium still and sparkling water without the environmental or monetary costs associated with it?

Thankfully such an alternative exists: sustainable bottled water. What is sustainable bottled water and how does it work?

Sustainable bottled water has two key elements, which together result in a lower carbon footprint and higher profits for operators. These elements are:

1.    Bottled still and sparkling water is produced on-site, through state-of-the-art filtration and dispensing equipment.
2.    Sustainable bottled water is served in reusable glass bottles.
Sustainable bottled water can be branded with a supplier’s brand or with your own custom brand. Custom branded bottles give a hotel or restaurant the opportunity to promote their own brand, and associate it with a message about sustainability on the back of every bottle of water served.

When you provide your guests with sustainable bottled water, your establishment’s carbon footprint goes down and your profits go up.

Barclay Hansen is the President and CEO of AquaHealth, a leading provider of sustainable bottled water and healthy beverages in the United States. For over 22 years, AquaHealth has been working with the hospitality industry and universities nationwide. As part of its sustainable bottled water program, AquaHealth provides operators with attractive, reusable glass bottles with multiple branding options. Clients have the option of AquaHealth, Vivante, or custom branded bottles.