Home Green Design Sustainable Furnishings Design Expert Interviews Heroes in New Book

Sustainable Furnishings Design Expert Interviews Heroes in New Book


There are not many books that come out of the hospitality industry having to do with sustainability, so I have to give a plug to “One Green Deed Spawns Another: Tales of Inspiration on the Quest for Sustainability,” a brand new book by David Mahood. David is an independent consultant and principal of Olive Designs, LLC and a partner in Olive Hospitality Consulting. David has been a prominent advocate of sustainability in our industry for many years and I have been fortunate to get to know him.

In his book, David interviews many of his heroes who have inspired him over the years with their wisdom and commitment to greening the planet. He asked each one: “If you had one green deed you would like to see heeded, adopted, and passed on, what would it be and why?”

Early in the book David explains his own personal environmental journey and professional background—time spent in the commercial furnishings industry, his launch of his own commercial furnishings company, Olive Designs, in 1998, and his take on the impact of global climate change.

Some of those interviewed in the book include: Dr. George M. Woodwell, a world renowned ecologist and scientist at the Woods Hole Research Center; Elaine Ireland, indoor toxicity educator, multiple chemical sensitivity, GreenSage; Jean Beasley, sea turtle savior, Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center; and Thomas Herlihy, organic waste engineer and farmer, Worm Power. The diverse group of experts provides for a fascinating read.

In closing the book, David says, “I only know now that this is my life’s work…I’ve done something, and I feel grounded knowing that I’ve shared my sentiments and knowledge with as many people as possible. If you aren’t on your journey yet, welcome. If you are, share it.”


  1. Thanks for the kind words, Glenn. This book was a labor of love, getting the opportunity to revisit many of the people profiled in the book was amazing. I hope others will gain some inspiration from it. I know I did.