Home News & Features Travelzoo Asks Travelers to Make a Personal Pledge for Conscious Travel

Travelzoo Asks Travelers to Make a Personal Pledge for Conscious Travel


NEW YORK—Safeguarding the future of travel begins with each of us. Travelzoo, a global Internet media company, calls on travelers around the globe to make a personal #TravelforTomorrow pledge to become a conscious traveler.

The idea of #TravelforTomorrow is simple. A traveler makes a personal pledge of what they will do to travel more consciously. It could even be a small pledge, such as supporting local businesses, forgoing single-use plastic, choosing public transportation when possible, choosing off-the-beaten path destinations, or respecting the local culture.

Travelers are asked to post their pledge on social media with the hashtag #TravelforTomorrow to demonstrate their commitment and inspire others.

Travelzoo employees, at the global company meeting in Venice, Italy, set a goal of reaching 10,000 pledges from travelers by December 31.

Travelzoo invited protagonists Freya Air Aspinall, Michela Bortolozzi, Christian Delom, Jerome Foster II, Yumika Hoskin, and Anna Spenceley to its company meeting.

Learn how to make a personal pledge: http://www.travelfortomorrow.com.