Home Sustainability


According to a report issued by the World Commission on Environment and Development, sustainable development is “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Got a great idea about how to turn green into gold? Contact Glenn Hasek, editor, at (813) 510-3868, or by e-mail at: greenlodgingnews@gmail.com.


Home Sustainability
According to a report issued by the World Commission on Environment and Development, sustainable development is “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Got a great idea about how to turn green into gold? Contact Glenn Hasek, editor, at (813) 510-3868, or by e-mail at: greenlodgingnews@gmail.com.

How to Launch a Sustainable Lodging Business

NATIONAL REPORT—The demand for sustainable businesses is stronger than ever; over one-quarter of consumers prefer to buy sustainable brands, and the majority of businesses have embraced an environmentally friendly attitude. With every year the world moves closer to the reality of a green economy, so if you are thinking about starting a lodging business, then sustainability should be one of your main priorities. Thankfully it is easy to run a sustainable lodging business—you just need to follow the right tips. Here are four tips to help you from the launch onwards. Register Your Business Before you can start to think about creating a green...

AccorHotels Launches Funding Platform to Support Agroforestry Around the World

PARIS—As part of its program Plant For the Planet, AccorHotels is launching an online platform—accorhotels.purprojet.shop—enabling participants to fund agroforestry projects in countries in which the Group operates. Jointly developed with long-term partner Pur Projet, the purpose of this site is to raise as much awareness and involve as many people as possible—in addition to guests staying in its hotels—with regard to the transition towards agroecology. For the launch of the platform, five planting projects have been selected in five different countries: France, Romania, Senegal, Indonesia and Peru. Participants can choose to plant one or more trees (ash, avocado, eucalyptus, mango,...

Caesars Commits to Achieve Gender Equality in Management by 2025

LAS VEGAS—Caesars Entertainment Corp. announced a commitment to achieve gender equality among its leadership ranks by 2025. In support of this effort, Caesars will work with the Billie Jean King Leadership Initiative (BJKLI) as part of this enhanced commitment to ensure workplace fairness and continue to foster an environment that promotes diversity and inclusion. “Caesars is focused on being vigilant about workplace fairness and is dedicated to fostering an environment that promotes diversity and inclusion,” Caesars CEO Mark Frissora said. “While we are proud of what we’ve accomplished to date—including last week’s 100 percent score on the Human Rights Campaign 2018 Corporate...

Solmar Offers Volunteer Experience for Travelers Looking to Give Back

LOS CABOS, MEXICO—Solmar Hotels & Resorts, a seven property resort collection located in Cabo San Lucas is turning the spotlight on voluntourism through The Solmar Foundation this holiday season. A nonprofit organization, the Solmar Foundation was founded in honor of the late Solmar group founder and Los Cabos tourism pioneer, Don Luis Bulnes, and offers Cabo visitors various ways to get involved with the community through a series of voluntourism programs this holiday season. Through the Solmar Foundation Solmar guests have the opportunity to volunteer, visit and sponsor over 30 charitable organizations in Baja California Sur that provide health assistance, education and...

Cornell Study Doubles Hotel Sustainability Benchmarking Data for Global Use

ITHACA, N.Y.—For the fourth year in a row, Cornell’s Center for Hospitality Research (CHR) has released the latest benchmarks from an ongoing international sustainability data index for the global hotel industry. The report, “Hotel Sustainability Benchmarking Index 2017: Energy, Water, and Carbon,” in collaboration with a dozen global hotel firms, analyzes data provided for nearly 13,000 properties. Increasing the data set by 80 percent and adding further segmentation from the previous index, the report is available from the CHR at no charge. The results are presented in the CHSB2017 Index with a range of benchmarks for energy consumption, water consumption,...

UPS Dramatically Increases Use of Renewable Natural Gas

ATLANTA—UPS announced an agreement with Big Ox Energy (a wholly owned subsidiary of Environmental Energy Capital LLC) to purchase 10 million-gallon equivalents of renewable natural gas (RNG) per year. This is the largest investment in RNG to date for the company, and the agreement runs through 2024. Use of RNG yields up to a 90 percent reduction in lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions when compared to conventional diesel. In addition to the agreement with Big Ox, UPS signed a five-year agreement earlier this year with AMP energy for 1.5 million-gallon equivalents of RNG per year from the Fair Oaks dairy farm in...

How to Be Sustainable in Your Food Choices on Vacation

A staple of every great hotel or lodging is having an incredible menu on offer for visitors. On a global scale, hotels and resorts are working to integrate more selections in their dining menus that utilize organic produce, natural products, and hormone-free meats and dairy items. These specific efforts will, in time, reduce the carbon footprint of the lodging in a way that supports the health and wellness of guests and the environment. In order for travelers to take more eco-friendly trips, hotels should be prepared to offer dining services that comply with the mission of sustainability. After a long day hiking with...

Clean the World to Expand Hygiene Education

ORLANDO, FLA.—Clean the World Foundation, a leader in global health, continues its commitment to hygiene education by launching a worldwide Global Handwashing Day initiative aimed at building awareness for the importance of proper hygiene and announcing plans to build a permanent interactive exhibit dedicated to health and hygiene education in the spring of 2018. “Improving health and saving lives requires not only access to soap, but also a holistic approach that focuses on ongoing education that leads to long-term behavior change,” says Sam Stephens, Executive Director of Clean the World Foundation. “With a commitment to global hygiene education, Clean the...

Some of the Advantages of Solar Rooftops on Hotels

Seems that the hospitality industry has grown fond of solar technologies during the last few years. Nowadays solar is more cost-effective and affordable than ever. It has also proven its efficiency and reliability over the last few decades which resulted in solar being more interesting and compelling to hotel managers. They are counting on certain environmental and economic benefits (not specifically in that order) which arise from installing solar rooftops on hotels. The dire predictions of the cost of energy bills steadily increasing in the upcoming years has made them intrigued with solar technologies. Reducing overhead sounds like every...

Group Urges USVI to Stop Incineration of Hurricane Debris

JOHN, USVI—As the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) picks up the pieces from the ravages of two back-to-back Category 5 hurricanes, Island Green Living Assn. is urgently pleading with Governor Mapp and members of the legislature to resist pressure from FEMA and the US Army Corp of Engineers and ban the incineration of hurricane debris. Most of the debris is clean wood from fallen trees, limbs and other vegetation. FEMA and the US Army Corp of Engineers have influenced the governor to reverse his original stance and the potential health and environmental implications of local burning, a process that will...