Sterling Sleep Systems, specializing in sustainable mattresses for the Hospitality Industry.
Since starting the business 27 years ago, Sterling Sleep Systems has produced more than a million specialty mattresses sold in over 30 countries.
We only build modular bed systems. All components are removable, interchangeable and replaceable. When beds are damaged or soiled you just buy a replacement part instead of the complete bed system. Our beds come completely apart for proper cleaning inside and out. Deal with bed bugs, without discarding the mattress.
Reduce the mattress disposal problem, buy Sterling Sustainable Mattresses. Cut solid waste in half, earn 2 LEED points and reduce your cost of bed ownership by 50 percent.
In 2014 an estimated 700,000 mattresses were purchased by the U.S. Hospitality Industry, sending 30 million cubic feet of old hotel beds to recyclers or the dump. As much as half of this solid waste could have been prevented by purchasing Sustainable mattresses.
We have a solution. Let us show you how our IIDA/HD award winning mattress will save you money. Properties interested in USGBC LEED certification should know that purchasing our mattresses is worth two LEED credits.
The next time you are shopping for beds, let us show you what we have to offer, you will be glad you did. Visit us online at You may also e-mail, or call (714) 891-3191, x128 and ask for Josie.
We are seeking sales reps to sell beds to the Hospitality Industry. Send resume to with lines carried and territory covered.