Home Publisher's Point of View

Publisher's Point of View

Each week, Glenn Hasek, publisher and editor of Green Lodging News, will address the hottest industry topics. Sometimes hard hitting, his column will challenge the industry’s leaders to take action. At other times, he will lift up the industry’s environmental champions. “Point of View” is a column you will not want to miss. To contact Glenn Hasek, call (813) 510-3868, or by e-mail at: greenlodgingnews@gmail.com

Publisher's Point of View

Home Publisher's Point of View
Each week, Glenn Hasek, publisher and editor of Green Lodging News, will address the hottest industry topics. Sometimes hard hitting, his column will challenge the industry’s leaders to take action. At other times, he will lift up the industry’s environmental champions. “Point of View” is a column you will not want to miss. To contact Glenn Hasek, call (813) 510-3868, or by e-mail at: greenlodgingnews@gmail.com

Green Products, Technologies in Abundance at This Year’s IH/M&RS

Pretty impressive. That is my reaction to all of the green products that were on display at last week’s International Hotel/Motel & Restaurant Show in New York. Congratulations to the many vendors who have devised new ways to reduce waste and minimize energy and water consumption. Each company spent thousands of dollars in research and development on their products and thousands more just to be at the show. If you did not attend this year’s event, consider doing so in 2007. Discovering just one money-saving product can make the trip well worth the investment—even with the Big Apple’s hefty...

Four Months In, How is Green Lodging News Doing?

I have a confession to make. When planning the editorial direction for Green Lodging News, I consulted with just a few people. Yes, they were industry experts, especially in regard to environmental trends, but I did not send out a survey to thousands of hoteliers to ask them what issues they would like to see covered in an environment-focused publication. I relied a lot on my own gut instinct after observing the industry for more than 12 years. To be honest, I don’t think Green Lodging News is too off track but it is time to ask for your...

Canada’s Green Key Eco-Rating Program: A System Worth Emulating?

The U.S. lodging industry, represented by multiple national and state level lodging certification programs, should look to its neighbor to the north—Canada—to learn how one single certification program could work. Run by the Hotel Association of Canada (HAC) with the assistance of a consultant, Canada’s Green Key Eco-Rating program has more than 400 rated hotels and motels with an additional 400-plus in the pipeline. According to Tony Pollard, HAC’s president, a total of 2,000 hotels could be Green Key rated by the end of next year. Why is Canada’s program blossoming so quickly? There are several important reasons....

Busy Show Season is Perfect Time to Network, Discover New Green Products

It’s show time. Just about every weekend now, one state or another is holding its annual association conference and trade show. In less than two weeks, the lodging industry’s largest event—the International Hotel/Motel & Restaurant Show (IH/M&RS)—will take place at the Javits Center in New York City. I plan to attend this year’s event and will report back to you on the latest green product news and trends. I will also be attending and speaking at the Ohio Hotel & Lodging Association’s annual conference on November 20. Thank you to the organizers of that event for inviting me to...

Starwood Capital Group Establishes Benchmark with Groundbreaking Brand

The name of Starwood Capital Group’s new eco-friendly luxury hotel brand says it all—“1”. There is no doubt that C.E.O. Barry Sternlicht’s new brand will be No. 1 in the lodging industry in many ways. What other company can say that its luxury hotels will be built to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards—some from the ground up? Green Lodging News applauds Starwood Capital Group’s decision to not only build to LEED standards, but to also donate 1 percent of each property’s revenue to local environmental organizations. As you can read here at Green Lodging News (see article),...

When Meeting Planners Demand Green Practices, Will You be Ready?

When your property is approached by a meeting planner requiring green practices, will you be ready? If you are not recycling, don’t have a towel/linen reuse program, or have not implemented other environmentally friendly measures, there is a good chance you will forfeit the opportunity to win the new business. Increasingly, meeting planners are presenting hotels with checklists that explain their minimum requirements. When you receive such a list, what documentation will you have to present in return? If the planner asks for a tour of your facility, what kind of story will you have ready to tell...

Get Your Pedal off the Metal and Pay Attention to Fuel Efficiency

A buck sixty-nine. That is the price I paid for a gallon of gas when I last filled up. Admittedly, I got a 30-cent grocery store discount but that is still quite a drop from the $3.00+/gallon that we had all been paying earlier this past summer. You may not be as lucky but here in Ohio we typically pay some of the lowest prices in the United States for gasoline. The price of oil has been plummeting lately. There are various reasons for it—a non-eventful hurricane season, last year’s mild winter, political factors and a general supply...

Energy Star’s Change a Light Day a good Reminder to Transition to CFLs

Of all the measures one can take to reduce energy costs, replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents (CFLs) is certainly one of the easiest. Available for years now, they use two-thirds to three-quarters less energy than incandescent bulbs but last thousands of hours longer. Even with an initial higher cost, CFLs can easily put more money in your pocket in a short period of time. In public areas where lights are on 24 hours a day, savings can be significant, especially in terms of maintenance. Wednesday, October 4 is Energy Star Change a Light Day. If your...

Certification Programs Part Two: More Ways to Get Your Hotel Rated Green

Again, is your property certified green? Pardon me for starting this week’s column with the same question as last week. The thing is, I realized I had barely scratched the surface when talking about the various green certification/rating systems available in the lodging industry. Thank you to a few readers for bringing some of the other programs to my attention. In last week’s column I highlighted programs in Florida, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, California and Michigan. There are numerous other programs, however, that are not state-specific. One of the oldest industry rating programs is the Green Leaf...

State Certification Programs Offer Opportunities to Save Energy, Cut Costs, Network

Is your property certified green? In at least seven states, there are programs available—some run by state government agencies, some not—that enable hotels, motels and other lodging establishments to be certified as green hotels. By participating in these programs, owners and operators can cut costs by saving energy and water, reduce waste, improve air quality, and benefit in many other ways. In Florida, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) runs a Green Lodging Certification Program. In Maine, the DEP has a similar one. Vermont’s program is part of the Vermont Business Environmental Partnership. In New Hampshire, the Sustainable...